Title: A Thousand Cranes Characters/Pairing: Pein/Konan Genre: General Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Spoilers for recent manga chapters, character death Word Count: 300 Summary: Crease, and fold.
Wow; I love this. I especially like your descriptions here of Amegakure. If ever there was a way to describe an entire city in one sentence it is this one:
Amegakure is a heaven for lost souls, humming machines and creaking steel against a constant white noise of rain, heralding the symphony of a new beginning.
How that transitions later in the drabble, especially. The idea of a city "slowly oxidizing," falling apart bit by bit, at the microscopic, molecular level, is an evocative image on its own. The added implications as regards PK is beautiful.
I like your play on Amegakure as a haven for lost souls, but also as a place where identity isn't exactly set in stone.
Beautiful, as always! ^^ I won't quote them all (because it'd be most of the drabble, aha) but there are so many awesome, awesome descriptions in this piece.
Dude, I was totally influenced by the chat we had yesterday like woahhhh. We spent so much time talking about PK and I felt the entire time like some fic was trying to claw its way out and this is what came of it XDDD
Thanks for the comment^^ I really like this one too. It's been a while since I've written and even longer since I've written anything I'm personally proud of. PK is just so awesome. I love the layers of dynamics you can add to the pairing and how it can all be guided so subtely. I love idea of them together as a sort of fatalistic pairing, how it's them versus the world, but in the end it's really the kinks within themselves, the very thing that holds them together that ultimately rusts them from the inside out and caves their little empire.
Yes, that chat last night was so inspirational, wasn't it? I know I'm about to start my own P/K 'fic anytime now, probably within the next day or two, but enough about me, let's talk about you -- and the beloved OTP, har har.
The body lays limp and lifeless beside her, eyeballs sunken into the hollows of the skull in post-mortem. She is lucky to have salvaged this much of him. The other, like before, could not be saved.
Outside, rain surges down in rushing currents of a waterfall, keeping her from dispersing, both an impenetrable fortress and gilded cage at once. His last gift to her.This was my favourite part; it was so chilling, thinking of the rain as Pain's goodbye, and how Konan just goes on, folding herself inwards, folding her paper flowers, while all the unspoken problems between them have finally sabotaged their relationship. It's so perfect and heartbreaking and sick and sad and fucked up and beautiful and crushing and it makes me wonder why they didn't just talk it out. But they didn't, or maybe couldn't. They didn't
( ... )
Yeah so so, remember how I said I was gonna go to bed? Wellll, after you left, we all decided to sleep but being the lameass retard that I am, I decided to shuck off some more precious resting time and hmking to start writing drabble, which ended up taking much longer than it was supposed to and w/ me sleeping at 8 am >.> At least the result was satisfactory
( ... )
Comments 6
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Means a lot, coming from you XDD
Amegakure is a heaven for lost souls, humming machines and creaking steel against a constant white noise of rain, heralding the symphony of a new beginning.
How that transitions later in the drabble, especially. The idea of a city "slowly oxidizing," falling apart bit by bit, at the microscopic, molecular level, is an evocative image on its own. The added implications as regards PK is beautiful.
I like your play on Amegakure as a haven for lost souls, but also as a place where identity isn't exactly set in stone.
Beautiful, as always! ^^ I won't quote them all (because it'd be most of the drabble, aha) but there are so many awesome, awesome descriptions in this piece.
Dude, I was totally influenced by the chat we had yesterday like woahhhh. We spent so much time talking about PK and I felt the entire time like some fic was trying to claw its way out and this is what came of it XDDD
Thanks for the comment^^ I really like this one too. It's been a while since I've written and even longer since I've written anything I'm personally proud of. PK is just so awesome. I love the layers of dynamics you can add to the pairing and how it can all be guided so subtely. I love idea of them together as a sort of fatalistic pairing, how it's them versus the world, but in the end it's really the kinks within themselves, the very thing that holds them together that ultimately rusts them from the inside out and caves their little empire.
The body lays limp and lifeless beside her, eyeballs sunken into the hollows of the skull in post-mortem. She is lucky to have salvaged this much of him. The other, like before, could not be saved.
Outside, rain surges down in rushing currents of a waterfall, keeping her from dispersing, both an impenetrable fortress and gilded cage at once. His last gift to her.This was my favourite part; it was so chilling, thinking of the rain as Pain's goodbye, and how Konan just goes on, folding herself inwards, folding her paper flowers, while all the unspoken problems between them have finally sabotaged their relationship. It's so perfect and heartbreaking and sick and sad and fucked up and beautiful and crushing and it makes me wonder why they didn't just talk it out. But they didn't, or maybe couldn't. They didn't ( ... )
I :F at typing. And :F is so catching on^^
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