(Do I need a warning for S5 extra scene spoilers? Consider youselves warned, then).
So, SM prefers to write his own fanfic, and the two little scenes between episodes that are leaking out of the S5 DVD set show him doing just that - giving us the character development many of us missed from S5.
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Comments 13
In one way, an out-of-the-box way, you can look at the line as foreshadowing about Donna's great sacrifice at the end of the season. It's RTD intended that, and Moffat acquiesced when he wrote the script.
But, in an in-the-box way, that a River who didn't really know the tenth Doctor would be awed by his companion but not be awed by a later companion (Amy) suggests strongly that Donna was the subject of some serious heartfelt conversation(s) between the Doctor and River at some point in their lives. Kind of like a guy who can't stop talking about an ex- with the current girlfriend to the point where the current girlfriend feels like she's competing for his heart.
Moff's been quite canny with River. He's given the Doctor a love interest that effectively declares him off-limits to everyone else. By doing that, he's allowed us to have our cake and eat it. The Doctor is asexual, or more correctly he appears not to do sex with humans, either by inclination or by choice (we can't be certain River is human in any sense we'd define humanity right here in 2010 because her way of life is so far beyond everyday human experience). But, as I've argued before, River is shrouded in a highly erotic aura of mystery. She is the archetypal mistress, never around long enough in linear time for her to become completely predictable.
Rose will always have been someone important to the Doctor. Recently (enough that I don't think you've heard it before) I've come to say, I don't 'ship Doctor/Rose but the Doctor and Rose sure did.
And it's the best explanation I've heard for the strange "How long are you going to stay with me?" scene.
I definitely agree with tiggerallyn in that it seems that the Doctor has told River about Donna somewhere along the way and judging by her reaction to Donna, it was clearly A Big Thing. My inner D/D shipper also likes the explanation about the ex- and the "rebound" ginger *g*
He's given the Doctor a love interest that effectively declares him off-limits to everyone else.*nods* I've thought that since seeing the Library episodes. Modern telly seems to demand some sort of romance for the central character(s) along the way, and Moff has - cleverlly, I have to admit - worked out how to have his cake (not have the Doctor falling for ( ... )
I've never understood the Donna-hate in that episode. Yes, she's stroppy and loud, but so could Ten be when he was struggling with emotional pain. And she shows the most remarkable sensitivity to him. The final scene of TRB is Russell at his very best, and CT and DT both step up to the plate magnificently.
I am so glad that I got one of my wishes in that Donna came back as a full-time companion.
Just gotta say, you HAVE to write that. ;)
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