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Comments 5

alienfish November 30 2013, 17:26:39 UTC
Aside from Moffat altering whatever he's written to suit himself, the reduction of the companion from a person who has a life to, literally, one who solely exists from before her conception to be his protector....

My take is that the Moment chose Rose as its face because she is the woman he falls in love with, though the Moment suffered confusion because, of course, the Doctor had not yet met her. As the Doctors stated that 9 and 11 would have no memory of having met 12, sure I'm willing to allow that there might be some kernel of familiarity that may have drawn 10 to her. Of course, we have all those pictures whazzisname found of 10 hither and yon, when it was strongly implied that he'd only just regenerated and was seeing himself in the mirror for the first time. So, it seemed as though 10 never parted from Rose, so when was he off by himself?

(Yes, I am amused by renumbering them!)

In short, it does not change Season 2 in my viewpoint. I am, however, frequently frustrated because JENNY!!!


kalypso_v December 1 2013, 19:54:38 UTC
My interpretation of the Moment's Interface is that, like the TARDIS, it experiences time as non-linear (to borrow a DS9 term); it says something about having chosen a face "from your past... or your future, I get those muddled up". I seem to remember the TARDIS saying something similar about time while in human form, though I can't recall the detail, but it would make sense as both are highly developed Time Lord technology.

I didn't believe that it was Rose in anything but appearance and voice; I saw the idea as something similar to the (non-Gallifreyan) Nodes in the Library, where Donna says "It chose me a dead face it thought I'd like?" or, probably more to the point, the holographic TARDIS interface in Let's Kill Hitler, where the Doctor rejects the offer of several images (including Rose, as well as himself) because they make him feel guilty, before settling for Amelia. The image of Rose/Bad Wolf doesn't make the War Doctor feel guilty, because he doesn't know her yet.


sensiblecat December 1 2013, 20:33:45 UTC
What interests me is the difference of approach between Moffat and RTD, concerning companions in general and female companions in particular. Moffatt likes to elevate them to a superhuman status. They become The Impossible Girl, The Girl Who Waited, Madge the eternal mother figure, etc. He's stated in interviews that he very much wanted Billie back for the special, and I find it intriguing that this was the role he imagined her having. Her role as the conscience of the Doctor, seen most specifically with Nine, is reflected back through time, making her the natural choice for the task even though the War Doctor doesn't know who she is yet. It's another example of Moffat's favoured technique of "scattering through time and space" to rescue/save the Doctor ( ... )


kalypso_v December 1 2013, 22:45:58 UTC
Actually, I don't think Rose and Clara are that far apart. Both are ordinary girls (I accept Emma Grayling's statement re Clara in Hide) who become something extraordinary through taking an extreme action to save the Doctor: Rose looks into the Time Vortex and becomes Bad Wolf, Clara leaps into the Doctor's timeline and becomes the Impossible Girl. But neither is a permanent transformation. When the Doctor removes the Vortex, Bad Wolf becomes Rose again. River Song says that the million copies of Clara aren't really her; I believe that she emerges from the timeline as her original and ordinary self.

When Clara says "I'm the Impossible Girl; I was born to save the Doctor" as she's falling through the timeline, I think that's true of the Impossible Girl, the million other selves who were born of Clara's action. I don't think it's true of Original Clara; the leaf isn't a magic leaf, it's just a symbol of the random series of events which bring us to life.

Of course, I may read things this way because I don't want the companions ( ... )


alienfish December 3 2013, 14:09:17 UTC
Rose ran around with the Doctor, eventually was grounded in a parallel universe with her own human Doctor whom presumably became her husband with a possibility of children. Also, she has a sibling, now ( ... )


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