Fic - The Eyes of the Wolf (Spoilers DOTD, rating Gen)

Nov 28, 2013 13:31

More fic - the muse seems to be waking up after DOTD.

“And how am I gonna react when I see this? A great, big, threatening button. A great, big, threatening button which must not be pressed under any circumstances, am I right?”

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doctor who, day of the doctor, fic

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Comments 3

rabecka December 1 2013, 07:41:41 UTC
Ooo... really interesting look back in the light of new information. Glad I stumbled over this, since I don't follow DW all that closely.


sensiblecat December 1 2013, 11:39:53 UTC


achuislemochroi December 1 2013, 19:33:58 UTC

I like this.

I'm also more curious since the Special about how Clara came to be and the exact meaning of "the false god" the Wolf is meant to be protecting the Doctor from.  The events of that episode put a new spin on the entire canon 2005.

It's good to see you writing again; I wonder if this will do similar for me (like you, it's been a while.)


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