Sounds like fun, Yukimura-san! I work at a movie theater, so I can get lots of actual movie concessions for a really low deal if you want candy, popcorn, soda, the usual stuff.
Also, there's currently nobody in my room but me, so if the rest of my dorm doesn't mind, we could work something out around here. :)
I KNEW THERE WAS A REASON I LIKED MOMOSHIRO-KUN! *glomps on you* That's AWESOME, we should hold it at your place! Now I won't have to grovel to Oshitari! Lucky ~!
Hey! I volunteer Raising Arizona or O Brother Where Art Thou!
If we have it over at Higashi like Momo suggests, it's a quick run back to my place to whip up any more munchies. I know I can do that anywhere, but it's easier working in your own kitchen.
As long as you're awesome, you're allowed to come. Are you awesome, Chitose? =)
Of course you're welcome to join us. It's just blowing off steam, which we all need. We might not be girls, but I think we're cool to hang around with. Don't be nervous.
Momo just offered up his dorm at Higashi, which works much better since he doesn't have roommates. It makes things easier, but I don't know if he has a PS2. You or Sen-kun might have to bring yours for DDR-ness.
I was joking about the porn, but I won't say anything. =)
Yes, we are quite full of awesome. Which is why our guests will strictly be those who have some kind of awesome.
Also, I'm trying to get out that I reaaally don't want to have alcohol at the party. Alcohol breeds drama, and this is strictly a drama-free zone.
Comments 127
Also, there's currently nobody in my room but me, so if the rest of my dorm doesn't mind, we could work something out around here. :)
If we have it over at Higashi like Momo suggests, it's a quick run back to my place to whip up any more munchies. I know I can do that anywhere, but it's easier working in your own kitchen.
Of course you're welcome to join us. It's just blowing off steam, which we all need.
We might not be girls, but I think we're cool to hang around with. Don't be nervous.
...Just kidding. Count me in.
Naturally I'll be there and maybe, maybe we could do something at my place or SenGoku's? You said it would be at Minami so....
Also! DO NOT tell Oishi there will be porn at the other party and tell people to get pictures of his face when he finds out. ^_~
I was joking about the porn, but I won't say anything. =)
Yes, we are quite full of awesome. Which is why our guests will strictly be those who have some kind of awesome.
Also, I'm trying to get out that I reaaally don't want to have alcohol at the party. Alcohol breeds drama, and this is strictly a drama-free zone.
But everyone has a little bit of awesome in them - we're just over-flowing with awesome. ^_~
Okay, I'll bring my mat, my system, and my games. ^_~ I'll tell Kiyosumi to do the same.
Awwwwwww! Someone should bring some just to make him blush though.
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