Lots of photos ahead, be careful X3
Okay! Some of you know that I make beaded jewelry. I took a bunch of photos of the kind of necklaces I make - I hope you'll enjoy looking at them! Do you guys like them? Which style is your favorite? Tell me! =)
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Comments 35
Also, your jewelry rocks. I wish I had a Senri original. (Although I do have some very choice pieces of artwork, including that one of me as a cat. XD)
I'm living in the language dorm and you had to apply special - the rooms are super nice! It has air conditioning too. *3*
Haha, well... you never know! Which design is your favorite?
Language dorm, eh? Nice. We don't really have special application dorms... although we do live in the only one where you get a living room.
Mmmm, air-conditioning...
Yeah! I'm in the Spanish hall. Thinking about going abroad next year. To Argentina. :0
I take it that is also something you lack? XD
Aww, man, I want your camera.
Your room is so rad- love the maps and the Radiohead poster. :D
Such a cute dress! :D (seconding the nice legs comment, too *whistles*)
I love maps. There's just something so mysterious about them, to me, in a way. And I love my Radiohead poster. X3
Ahhahaha, thanks <333
Your dorm room looks so cose. <3 KESTRELLL And also map of South America. I know you look at it and dream of future botfly adventures. ♥
ALSO ALSO ♥__♥ YOU ARE SO PRETTY Vojne vojne. You have like. The perfect nose. <3 You know, I really think you should do a Rin cosplay sometime. You'd look so much like her! :O
LMAO botfly adventures... yes... YES, THAT'S EXACTLY WHY IT'S UP THERE XD XD XD and I have a map of home too! To stare at wistfully, and also to show guests where exactly in Alaska I live.
*dies* Th-thank yooou I quite like my nose, really. And whenever I think about cosplay I always think I should do either Tenten or Rin. XD Tenten wouldn't even be that much of a stretch!
I know you so well. I KNOW YOU B) And aaaw, a map of home. You're so sweet!
You'd pull off both really great! And you'd be a kickass Suki. Or even Azula! /WANTS YOU TO COSPLAY EVERYTHING EVER
sljdhfkdjh You'd also be such a hot member of Habaki's kunoichi squad, vojne vojne. *__*
I just... kind of love maps. They're so mysterious, sort of, and so factual and utilitarian, but kind of artistic and intricate too. There's some interesting dichotomies in there... I could talk more if I were so inclined XD
HAHAHA if I had the time / the sewing skills I would cosplay things. *3* I'M NOT OPPOSED TO THAT
And I'm flattered you think I'd make an Azula XD
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