Card Effect LOL

Jun 23, 2007 20:19

How it Works

By answering Pegasus's question and accepting a card you have inadvertedly sealed your DOOM! triggered an LOL based on the answer(s) you gave him. Come on! This is Pegasus that we are talking about! He doesn't just give out free stuff without there being a catch! Old habits die hard and besides... He was bored.

If you have recieved a monster card look closely at the little icon in the top right corner. To those not familiar with Duel Monsters this icon is called an Attribute. Now, depending on which Attribute the monster is the pup that now owns the card will be able to control the forces of said Attribute for a few days. As an added bonus the pup will now find themselves being stalked followed by a two-foot-tall miniature living breathing creature identical to the monster on the card. After a week's time max the effects of the card's Attribute will wear off, but if the pup wishes it they may keep their new little perfectly loyal and blindly devoted to them monster.

If you recieve a Trap card your pup will find themselves acquiring a new power depending on the ability of the Trap. For instance, a pup that recieves Trap Hole will discover that they can now create pitfalls wherever they wish. Like with the monster Attributes this power only lasts for a week max.

Magic cards can do several things, depending on the type. Field cards for instance will temporarily allow them to turn an acre of land into a specific Field type; examples include the Field card Umi which will turn an acre of land into water. Cards such as the Change of Heart can effect basic personality: a good pup will turn bad and vice versa. Effects will be explained further when recieving the card.

