Title: Missing Piece
Length: Chaptered
Pairing: Matsumiya, Juntoshi (one-sided), Ohmiya (slight), Sakuraiba, JunxToma (one-sided)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: AU, Romance, Smut, Angst
Summary: Jun is a college student and something happen when his relationship with his friend Nino changes. (Sorry i'm really bad at this)
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, only
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Comments 10
Sorry...but its hurt...after all the promise on their first date~
I'm sorry about that :/
I'm working on something and I promise it won't be this sad xp
Thank you for reading and commenting :D
I wish I've stopped reading when Jun left!
Why the hell did he leave anyway? He They should have spent the night together, then Jun would still be alive!
Totally broken hearted!
I'm so sorry about that :/
I'm working on something and I promise it won't be this sad xp
Thank you for reading and commenting :D
I'm working on something and I promise it won't be this sad xp
Thank you for reading and commenting :D
i was like "yappari" eh T____T totally hurt bc it feels so fast. poor nino in his 1st happiness nooooo no hope for nino??? :'(
im sorry but thank you for sharing! :)
I'm working on something and I promise it won't be this sad xp
Thank you for reading and commenting :D
Why you end it like that, it was really good fic *sad*
You can cut the chapter when finish eating :( But it's really good .
Waiting for the Sakuraiba fic .
I promise the ones i'm working on are not that sad xp
I'm having a writer's block in my Sakuraiba fic but soon my exams will end and i will work on that to post it as soon as I can :)
Thank you for reading and commenting :D
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