Mar 27, 2005 17:40
And now, my Honors thesis is half complete.
Mar 27, 2005 15:58
I have been voraciously and unceasingly hungry for the last two days.
Perhaps I am pregnant.
Mar 25, 2005 00:12
Well, I'm glad we cleared that little bit of unpleasantness up.
Mar 21, 2005 17:48
Six months from now, I may be living in Virginia.
Mar 21, 2005 01:09
I haven't written anything of substance or interest in months. I don't have the slightest idea why you're here, but I'm glad you are.
You too, Carol.
Mar 15, 2005 10:04
Yesterday, I woke up in Washington D.C., and by the afternoon, returned to New York.
I woke up two hours ago in Ithaca, and couldn't be happier.
Mar 12, 2005 15:36
If you're not using Firefox, you are indeed a lesser person.
Mar 05, 2005 13:10
My suitemate now eats a protein supplement composed entirely of Whey by the 10-pound bag.