Title: The Walker Malediction
semisweetsoulCharacters: Kitty
Genre: Angst-y maybe.
Rating: G
Prompts: birthdays @
angst-bingo and any joke in a storm @
tamingthemuseSummary: Kitty and bithdays. Not a good match.
Word Count: 552 words
Disclaimer: I owe nothing. Please, don't sue.
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Comments 10
I dont blame her at all for being cautious. Great story.
I feel like season 5 Kitty was so out of character, I had to do something about it, and try to put into words what I think someone in such position would go through. I'm glad it worked for you, thank you. ♥
(Did you mean when Nora was pregnant with Justin, rather than Kevin? Since Kitty was turning twelve.)
She figured autarky would be her best tactic against fatality and only hope to spend the day in harmony. This is a very neat sentence! I'm in awe. The rhythm, the word choice... it all just fits. Well done!
Did you mean when Nora was pregnant with Justin, rather than Kevin? Since Kitty was turning twelve.Actually, I first thought about Justin, but the timing was off. Kitty being born late September (pilot being shown around that time) Kevin being from mid-April and Justin after Kevin (as suggests the episode with Ida's death) it would make Nora barely pregnant with Justin, possibly not even aware of it unless she had tried for a baby, but it seems unlikely, waiting 8-9 years to have another one when the fourth first kids are so close in age. So I opted for Kevin for that (silly) reason, and forgot to change the age. On second thought, I realize I should stick with Justin. Kitty would be like 6 or 8 when Kevin was born. That doesn't work! Oh, canon, I hate you sometimes! I guess I'll change it back to Justin (and we'll blame canon for the continuity error ( ... )
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