Aug 12, 2006 01:03
Yet another person at work has encouraged me to apply for the job at Educational Services (once it becomes vacant sometime in the near and foreseeable future). I suppose, after all of this talk, that I probably should, just to avoid the yelling if I don't.
The position hasn't even been posted yet - apparently they're waiting for Cindy to actually leave before they do that, go fig - but last I heard, no one else in the district actually wanted it. Which is a really mixed bag of both good and bad signs. At the very least they'll have to use me as a fill-in once she is gone, until they hire the new Media Clerk. I'm really the only person in the district already trained and available (sorta) to do the job. So I figure I have extra hours coming up either way.
Speaking of work, I am not ready for school to start again on the 21st. And I am definitely not ready for my niece to start kindergarten at the same time.
In happier news, I just finished watching Labyrinth. I'd somehow forgotten what a great movie that is. It's become my favorite of Jim Henson's films. I foresee some iconage in my near future...
That's really all I have to say tonight.