
Jul 04, 2011 02:30

i just saw the milky way for the first time in my life ( Read more... )

possibly a bit touched--in the head, oh holy crap i think my brain is explodi

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Comments 1

fatema July 5 2011, 04:01:22 UTC
I think I felt something very similar in 2005 when I was staying in the village with my dad's side of the family. I went out into the utan and felt like I was going to be swallowed up by the stars (there was a power-outage that night, as with most nights during that summer). I just looked and looked and couldn't believe how close the sky felt to me. And I wasn't in a tower.

For an experience more magnificent than the little one I had, I will go up north and suffer through the cold, I think. That and the northern lights. One of these days.


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