The West Wing - Hair Issues

Nov 23, 2007 18:28

Title: Hair Issues
Fandom: The West Wing
Characters: Liz Bartlet, Ellie Bartlet, Zoey Bartlet
Prompt: #023 Bleach
Word Count: 494
Rating: G
Summary: The teenage Bartlet girls find themselves in trouble when their parents attend a parent/teacher meeting at school.

Author's Notes: I thought of this from seeing the end of Abu El Banat when the girls are standing together and Liz tugs on Zoey’s hair. So I thought I might make it that there was a bit of a long running joke between the girls to do with Zoey’s hair.


“What did you do?” Liz screeched as she dropped her schoolbag on the kitchen floor. “I can hear you screaming from the hall.”

“Please don’t yell, Liz.” Zoey cried from where she sat with her head in the sink. “It really hurts.” Her hair was as white as it could possibly be and she was screaming the house down.

“What the hell happened? Where are Mom and Dad?” Liz looked from Ellie to Zoey, but both seemed to be busy with their own things. Zoey was desperately running cold water over her head to try and stop the burn, while Ellie seemed to be cooking something out of different cosmetic products.

“They went to some thing at the school.” Ellie told her, yelling slightly over Zoey’s screaming. “Mom had been cleaning the bathroom and not noticed the time. Suddenly it was time to go, and she obviously didn’t remove the bleach from the shower. Stupid Zoey thought it was shampoo.”

“I’m not stupid… it was an accident!”

“You are too stupid…”

“I am not, you’re stupid…”

“Girls!” Liz shouted, silencing her younger sisters. “Where did Mom and Dad go?”

“Your parent/teacher meeting, dummy…”

“That’s enough with the name calling Ellie.” Rounding on Ellie, Liz pointed looked at the goo she’d created. “What’s that?”

“A concoction specifically created to sooth the baby’s irritated scalp.” Ellie smiled mischievously. “I’ve added all the liquids that are quite soothing. I found this in Mom and Dad’s bathroom.” She held up a bottle of massage oil, and Liz cringed at the images that filled her mind.

“Okay, test it on your hand before you put it on her head please. As for you,” She turned to find Zoey sitting back on her chair in tears. “They’re going to be home in, like, an hour and probably livid if they’re speaking with Mrs Hough. Come here.” She put her arms around her little sister and gave her a warm hug.

“It was an accident Liz, I promise.”

“I know kiddo.” She tried to sooth her without touching her hair. “We’re going to have to wait till Mom comes home, she’ll know what to do.”

“Can we try my soothing lotion?” Ellie asked enthusiastically.

“Did you try it on your hand?”

“Yeah, and it feels really nice.” She bit her lip and looked at Liz like a little puppy. All she wanted to do was prove that she could be useful.

“Alright, but you have to be really gentle.” As Liz spoke, she felt Zoey cling tighter to her body.

“Does she have to do it?”

“I’m not going to hurt lab rat.”

“Don’t call me a lab rat!”

“Give me the lotion, Ellie.” Liz held out her hands. “One of these days, you guys will be caught up in so much trouble and I won’t be around to help you.” She muttered, rolling her eyes as she began to gently massage Zoey’s scalp, praying their mother would be home soon.

character: zoey bartlet, fan challenge: 100_situations, show: the west wing, character: eleanor bartlet, type: ficlet, character: elizabeth bartlet westin

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