The West Wing - Nothing Serious

Nov 23, 2007 10:41

Title: Nothing Serious
Written For:
Pairing: CJ/Charlie
Disclaimer: They belong to Aaron Sorkin… but their predicament is all mine.
Rating: G… let the little kids run wild!
Word Count: 100!!!
Summary: An accident is when nothing serious turns into something important.

A/N: There's even a bit of a metaphor in this...


“It was nothing serious to you and I respect that. So we won’t go there again, and no one has to find out we did.”

“Except that someone will.” She hissed, catching his attention. Charlie grabbed her arm lightly and they disappeared into a broom closet. “Oh, this won’t look suspicious.”

“Fine, we’ll talk later.” He shrugged, turning to the door.

“Wait…” CJ pulled him back, leaning against the closet wall. “I didn’t expect to tell you this in a broom…”

“I’m going to walk out that door in a minute CJ.”

“I’m pregnant.” She blurted out, touching her stomach.

character: charlie young, type: drabble, show: the west wing, character: claudia jean cregg

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