Battlestar Galactica - Resisting the Impulse

Mar 31, 2008 12:10

Title: Resisting the Impulse
Disclaimer: Battlestar Galactica, and its characters, don’t belong to me. Which kind of sucks, but I’m dealing with it.
Pairing: Laura/Bill
Prompt: #02 I Was Wrong About You
Rating: Teen
Summary: Bill and Laura meet for the first time after New Caprica.


It had been so long, but the second their eyes met time seemed to vanish. She lowered her gaze and moved to sit on his couch, quickly discarding her shoes on the way. Her first instinct was to kiss him, tell him how she’d prayed to see him again. Her second instinct was to slap him, hard, across the face. So she chose to keep her distance. The last time she’d felt two opposing reactions so strongly was when he had arrived on Kobol. Distance had worked just fine then, but the nature of their relationship had changed since.

“You came back,” Her quiet words barely broke the silence of the room.

He considered those words, the way she said them. She wasn’t the kind of person to say something just to hear how it sounded. “You didn’t think I would,” It wasn’t a question, more recognition on his part.

It was then she looked up at him again, their eyes meeting for the second time since she’d stepped into his quarters. Unspoken words drifted between them - accusations, apologies, and affirmations. As he sat beside her and handed her a drink, she smiled. “Thank you.”

show: battlestar galactica, character: laura roslin, fan challenge: un_love_you, character: william adama, type: ficlet

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