Title: A Little Slip
Written For:
teungawaka2003Fandom: The West Wing
Characters: Sam/Ainsley
#016 LightsWord Count: 100!!
Rating: G - come children, frolic in it’s child-safeness…
Summary: Ainsley’s hanging Christmas decorations, and it’s not as easy as it looks.
“Ainsley, what are you doing?” She was standing on a chair, her left leg bent at the knee and she was stretching to try and reach the pipe above her head.
“I’m hanging up Christmas lights,” The chair wobbled and she pressed her hands firmly against the wall to try and regain her balance.
“You work in, what looks like, an underground tunnel but it may as well look nice.”
“Exactly Sam,” Ainsley smiled. The chair slipped from under her and Sam was quick to catch her, the tangle of lights falling down on top of them. “Wow, you’re good.”