House M.D. - Anything You Can Do...

Nov 23, 2007 20:02

Title: Anything You Can Do…
Written For:
insanityonline1 &
Rating: PG
Summary: In the spirit of Christmas Lisa and Greg begin a sneaky contest to out-prank each other. The aim is to purely annoy, frustrate or humiliate your opponent. But when one of them goes too far, will something else be sparked?


At the stroke of midnight she sat silently outside his apartment building. She had already been inside to grab what she needed and while the paint was beginning to get to her, Lisa had to admit it was the best trick she could think of. Greg would be furious when he awoke to find her ‘present’ for him. She giggled slightly as she finished up, and sat back to let it dry.

“Oh I should have done this for Halloween.” She muttered to herself. “Talk about trick or treat. He’s just going to die!” She wrapped her hand firmly over her mouth to try and stop herself from laughing too loudly. She spun his spare key on her key chain. She still had it after six years, and he was really going to regret giving it to her.

Of course, he had this coming for so long. Someone was bound to do something. It just so happened, that Lisa was the one to do it. And he deserved it. But she couldn’t help thinking their little game was getting slightly out of hand. After all, if this really was her trump card then he’d have to counter with something much worse.

The question was… what? That’s what bothered her most. Knowing Greg he would find something fiendish to do in return that would absolutely ruin her. But what could he do? She would just have to look out…

Watch her back…

Check corners before she turned them…

…and not walk down dark alleyways.

Laying her fingers gently against her fancy paint work, she was satisfied that it had completely dried. She stood up and headed back inside to place the item back where she found it, along with a quick post-it.


Greg rolled over carefully and let his hand collapse on top of his alarm clock. The stupid thing had to learn to be a little late for once. He sat up slowly, rubbing sleep from his eyes and stretching his back.

Then he saw it…

Right where he left it…

He ripped the post-it from the item and frowned. “Tag you’re it!” Greg clenched his jaw for a moment. “Oh, Miss Cuddy, you’re going to wish you were never born.”

He sat at his desk, glaring at everyone that passed his office. James just looked amused as he held the evidence in his hands. “She’s good.” He mused. “I never thought Cuddy had it in her.”

“Neither did I.” Greg tossed his tennis ball in the air and caught it again. “She’s gone too far this time. Do you know people actually said Merry Christmas to me this morning?”

“How dare they, what were they thinking!” James grinned, tossing the cane towards his friend.

Catching the cane in his spare hand, Greg looked it up and down. She had painted it, decorated it, his cane was now white and red. Just like a candy cane. She would pay for this.

“Paging Dr House, could you please return to the Clinic. Dr House, could you please return to the Clinic.”

“Here’s your chance to get even.” James smiled as he stood up. “You know Cuddy will be there at some point.”

“Yeah but…” Then something caught his attention through the glass. Something he should have thought of sooner.

“You’re absolutely right Wilson.”

“I am?” James looked a little startled at this revelation of sorts.


Standing at the reception desk in the Clinic, Greg was actually finishing the filing like he should - which was starting to scare the nurses, just a little. James stood next to him, a sly smile on his face. “So what are you going to do?” He asked, nudging his friend and directing his attention towards a certain female Dean of Medicine.

Greg looked up and watched her for a moment. She stood just where he wanted her. Her attention was on the files in her hands. She flicked furiously through them as though she was missing one. “Watch and learn, my dear Wilson. Watch and learn.” He almost smiled as the plan seemed to just hand itself to him on a silver platter.

Ignoring James’ pleading look to know what he was about to witness, Greg made his way towards her. Leaning on his cane in his typical intimidating manner, he ensured that his steps were light. Although, as he got nearer the tap of the cane became apparent to her and she looked up with a frown gracing her features.

“Dr House.” She squared her shoulders, preparing herself for an attack. “What are you…?”

He took the final step and kissed her. His arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her as close to him as possible, while files dropped to the floor. After a moment he was tempted to deepen the kiss, but decided any such action would pull her from her shocked state and cause injury to his body. Instead he pulled away and gently whispered against her ear…

“Tag, you’re it.” With that said, he walked away leaving Lisa to clean up the mess.

The next day Lisa had worked up enough courage to go ahead with the plan she had concocted. All she had to do was get her prey exactly where she needed him. She considered riding the elevator all day, but that would probably get her a direct ticket to the psych ward. She needed something simple that would happen any other day. Something he wouldn’t get suspicious about.

Then it came to her, literally.

She smiled as she noticed Stacy heading straight for her office. A frustrated look graced her face and a rather thick file was held tightly in her hand, excellent. The pieces of the puzzle were just diving into place.

“Harassment charge, Lisa, third time this week.” Stacy barged into the room, dropping the file on the desk.

character: gregory house, character: lisa cuddy, show: house m.d., type: fan fiction, special: christmas

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