Title: It's Just a Little Too Late
Fandom: Rave
Pairing: implied Lucia/Haru
Disclaimer: Umi-chii don’t own Rave. Mashima-sensei still does.
A/N: Another drabble inspired by a song. This time, Jojo’s Too Little, Too Late. Oh gawd… Set after the ending of the manga.
Word Count: 321
It's Just a Little Too Late
Haru stared at the setting sun. It had already been two years, yet it seems like it was only yesterday they last fought. The sound of swords clashing still echoes in his ears, his mind not leaving the memory of their battle.
He was never a bad guy, really. Just misunderstood, left alone, lost in the dark... He was only a child, forever seeking the light.
And he, as the Rave Master, had failed to give him that light. It was too late, when he was finally given the chance to extend his arm for Lucia to grab. He regretted not being able to understand the blonde earlier. Maybe if he did, he might be able to save Lucia. But then again, half of him knew that even if Lucia will turn a new leaf, the world won’t accept him anymore. He had done enough damage to them, to himself. He’ll only end up hurting himself even more.
Yet if he can forgive him, how come the world can’t?
His eyes remained on the setting sun. Soon, he’ll be leaving for home. He had stayed long enough in here. He told Elie he was just going to Punk Street to check up on Musica. Half heartedly, he regretted lying to Elie, not telling her he was going to visit their enemy’s grave.
But she can’t understand. She couldn’t know the true reason why everyday, Haru would look up at the setting sun, why the always happy boy would turn forlorn and melancholy. She doesn’t know it either why Haru would visit the sea every afternoon just to look at the sunset.
A smile silently crept onto Haru’s lips. Everyday, it’s like that. It had unconsciously became a routine for him. But only the sun, with its golden rays reflected by the sea can make him remember his only sin and flaw.
Everything is just a little too late for him.