Title: Day One and Thirty Six Five
A/N: I can't quite remember the final theme for Mirage, even if I was there during the meeting lol. But anyway, here. Have one. From what I can remember, it involves people living in dorms and rented apartments. This one here is about a student living the life of a typical student in dorm: dull, tiresome, everyday the same routine.
Day One and Thirty Six Five
You woke up to the sound of thudding bed,
shrill cries and screams of ‘harder’ and ‘faster’
still clueless why no one ever bother.
You left with an empty bag and emptier stomach,
Expectation Bin since long sheltering dust
layer upon layer of wasted chances and dreams.
You arrived to a class of senseless chatter,
nothing in mind but skirts, studs and sex
that wooden cross above no more but a decoration.
You came home to a place that is not a home,
merely a convenience, a place to rest your tired body
a large box of pests and piss, of trivialities, and
You went to sleep dead like a log,
unaware of the new round of cries and screams
unmindful of the new still-same tiresome cycle.