The Price Part 2

Nov 18, 2007 23:39

Title: The Price
Characters: Roslin/Zarek
Rating: MA for themes
Disclaimer: I don’t own them. I’d like to, but I don’t
Notes: Tom and Laura’s relationship starts badly
Spoilers: S1 - S3
Thanks to the wonderful 
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laura tom

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Comments 13

lullabymoon November 19 2007, 17:41:52 UTC
I loved both parts to this. I really enjoyed the evolution of their relationship even if I did want to hit him a bit at the beginning for thinking that blackmail would get him anything other than sex. Especially from Laura.

The end was quite beautiful and it was nice he finally learned his lesson about Laura always being right.

My favourite part though has to be the hotness test. I think the image of Bill Adama running in a long black leather coat will be forever burned into my brain. Thanks ever so much. :P


selenay_x November 21 2007, 20:26:05 UTC
Am doing happy dance that you liked and that the way the relationship evolved worked for you.

The hotness test is a great way of deciding, she pointed out innocently, if you are weighing up two invitations.


liverpool_ruth November 19 2007, 17:58:48 UTC
Very nicely written....

well done you!!

thanks for sharing ;)


selenay_x November 21 2007, 20:23:28 UTC
Thank you muchly, am glad you enjoyed.


caprica9 November 19 2007, 19:27:17 UTC
I love the passage with Tory and the Adama/Zarek comparison. You know Adama gets so often mentioned in this story that I think you should post it at SI as well. They'll love it. :D

But unfortunately I couldn't finish reading the second part because I'm not reading any cancer stories and at one point I had the feeling I wouldn't like the end of your fiction. Or is there an unexpected happy end?


selenay_x November 21 2007, 20:22:08 UTC
Um - not exactly a lives happily ever after ending, sorry. Hangs head.

You really think SI might like? Hadn't thought of that.


mary_me11 November 19 2007, 23:43:03 UTC
Although I have the same problem with cancer-stories at the moment, I did read it from start to finish. And as sad as it was, R/Z found a way to each other and this was nice and I liked it very much….

And this line really made me laugh “The man was either stupid, oblivious, or had fantastic willpower…” Yes, we all wonder what it is?????


selenay_x November 21 2007, 20:18:51 UTC
Sorry about the cancer story, but the way the story was going this really was the only way I could end it, connecting the two in that way. But I'm happy you finished and liked.

Adama always makes me go head::desk with his one step forward, two steps back routine.

I'm plotting something fluffy next. All angsted out.


dixgrl78 November 21 2007, 15:36:05 UTC
First - I am beyond *squeee* that you finished this! Which means you are so in for it b/c now I know constantly going, um, Blackmail, more please does indeed result in a payoff :)

Second - This fic is overall so great. I love the way their "relationship" got off to a rocky start (not to mention how Tom never says anything but it was always a relationship that started a little rocky) and then how it evolved into something more.

Third - Missing scenes *blinks sweetly* JPS? will bribe with chocolate & Gage if need be *grins*


selenay_x November 21 2007, 20:13:23 UTC
Am torn between uh oh, she knows can nag, followed by GAGE!!!!!!!

Soooo - does this mean if I do the missing scenes I get Gage???


dixgrl78 November 21 2007, 20:21:07 UTC
ding ding ding

you win prize - missing scenes = Gage for Sel :)

writing now are ya huhuhuhuhuhuh *grins sweetly*


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