If I were Likeadeuce, I'd have a Springsteen quote for this post, but...

May 26, 2013 17:44

You know what I gave my Aged Parents for Christmas? Tickets for tonight's Bruce Springsteen concert in Munich. On the reasonable assumption at a concert at the end of May would have, if not nice weather, than somewhat warm weather ( Read more... )

bruce springsteen, fanfic rec, once upon a time, babylon 5

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Comments 10

frenchani May 26 2013, 16:05:12 UTC
You know what? I am not surprised concerning Michael O'Hare, not that I had guessed before, but now that I know many things, acting-wise, make a lot of sense...

Also I smiled about Katsulas feeling sexy when he was in G'Kar's skin, because it makes a lot of sense too!


selenak May 28 2013, 13:06:22 UTC
It does. I wonder whether G'Kar's line "animal magnetism, what can I say?" when the Centauri lady makes eyes at him in the s5 episode where he and Londo rescue Na'Toth was a script in-joke because of that.


vaysh May 26 2013, 16:17:16 UTC
Keeping my fingers crossed that you get dry seats. *eyerolls at the weather Gods*

Btw, I started watching Babylon 5. You said weeks ago you may have a guide for me about which eps to look out for and which to skip? If you have the time and leisure (but only then), I'd be grateful for that guide now.


B5 season 1, part I selenak May 27 2013, 06:28:34 UTC
Okay, here we go. First of all, don't watch either the original pilot (The Gathering), nor the prequel (In The Beginning). The second one was shot during the fourth season and is spoilery as hell for the first three. The first one is of historical interest once one has watched the show but not very good, plus they switched a lot of characters between the pilot and the show proper. With that in mind, here we go. Season 1 ( ... )


B5 season 1 part 2 selenak May 27 2013, 06:29:05 UTC
Signs and Portents - the ep after which the season is named and one of the biggest game changers, which however you only realize in retrospect. Absolutely crucial stuff happens, and a really important recurring character is introduced ( ... )


Re: B5 season 1 part 2 vaysh May 27 2013, 12:05:40 UTC
Oh wow, this is awesome. Thank you so very much. I'll print your comment and put them to my DVDs. *can't wait for the weekend to watch*

Really, thank you for this. I sure hope you could enjoy Bruce Springsteen last night.


amatara May 26 2013, 16:41:39 UTC
Thank you for linking to the B5 article! I'd seen a few posts on tumblr mentioning that JMS had finally told the story of why Michael O'Hare had to leave and that it was very moving, but I didn't know any details until now. I genuinely wish I could have gone to Comicon for the 20th anniversary of B5; it looks like everyone who was there had a wonderful time. (Who knows, maybe for the 25th anniversary... :) )


selenak May 28 2013, 07:43:34 UTC
I would love to have gone as well, but alas, time and budget...


midnightsjane May 29 2013, 11:28:31 UTC
That was a very touching tribute to Michael O'Hare by JMS. Thanks for sharing it.
I've been thinking about watching B5 again, haven't done so in several years, but this has kind of stoked the fannish fires again.


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