Oh for a muse of fire, indeed

Jan 12, 2012 20:35

Sherlock 2.02: watched it, was less than enthusiastic about it. I mean, it had its moments, and it was nice to see Russell Tovey again, plus I must say tanned!Lestrade looks even more attractive than regular Lestrade, but well, I checked my watch a couple of times instead of being scared when I should have been, and I doubt I'll ever watch it again ( Read more... )

shakespeare, nikola tesla, sherlock, david bowie, the prestige

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Comments 19

torn_eledhwen January 12 2012, 22:11:26 UTC
The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust has produced this excellent ebook rebuttal to the Oxfordians. It's well worth a read.


selenak January 13 2012, 07:42:45 UTC
It really is, and I've read it, but Oxfordians deserve having to spend some money and buy James Shapiro's Contested Will, which is even better!


wee_warrior January 12 2012, 22:49:48 UTC
"Even a profiler on the internet proved it HAS to be Edward de Vere!" he wailed. "EVERYONE agrees by now."

Bah. As far as conspiracy theories go, the Edward de Vere idea is seriously lame. I really prefer the one where Shakespeare is really a group of authors - nobles of course - who were using a pseudonym for whatever dubious/nefarious reasons. Well, that, and the Sandman solution, which also has a lot of things going for it.

Although, seriously, isn't it *fun* to live in a country where people honestly think Roland Emmerich is a reliable source for historical knowledge?


selenak January 13 2012, 07:49:38 UTC
*facepalms on behalf of German population*


bagheera_san January 12 2012, 23:04:53 UTC
Heh. I'm contemplating this thesis topic related to Marlowe and I'm pretty sure one of the conclusions would be: This shit just doesn't happen to Marlowe. The question is why - is it because Marlowe is less famous, because we know more about him, or because he's already exciting and glamorous enough and comes with his very own conspiracy opportunities?


selenak January 13 2012, 07:51:00 UTC
I vote the later, because we don't know that much more!


shezan January 12 2012, 23:32:13 UTC
HOUNDS: Ah, well, we had John's SUBLIME moment as (truly) Captain John Watson of the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers*....

* amusingly enough, Lord Redesdale's regiment during the Boer War, so rather chic.


shezan January 12 2012, 23:33:05 UTC
Was this William von S. bisexual? Sir Ian McKellen enquiring minds want to know!


selenak January 13 2012, 07:51:50 UTC
The demented Oxfordian did not say. :)


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