Torchwood 4.08 End of the Road

Aug 29, 2011 10:32

In which Kira meets Q, Oswald finds out he's not Richard Gere, and we learn more about jelly fish.

Did we just join the CIA? )

episode review, md, torchwood

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Comments 3

torn_eledhwen September 1 2011, 21:11:12 UTC
I thought this was a solid sort of episode and while this series isn't up to CoE standards I don't think it's quite merited the bashing I've seen of it elsewhere.

However the fact Jack's apparently forgotten the women he's loved as well as the men is bugging me. The guy's supposed to be omnisexual, not gay! In between Angelo and Ianto there was Lucia, and Estelle, and whoever the woman is in the wedding photo glimpsed briefly in one of the episodes in series 1 (was it "Out of Time"? I can't remember). I admire the fact that in Torchwood we have a leading man who has loving relationships with men, but given that we were first introduced to him flirting madly with Rose Tyler I'd like that to be remembered a bit too. Especially on a show with such strong female characters, cf. Gwen and her mum, and even Esther in her way.


selenak September 2 2011, 05:21:02 UTC
The window scene started with Jack commenting on the attractiveness of the woman they were watching, and saying "I like many things", so I did not get the impression the show forgot his omnisexuality. However, I suspect the reason why we have only seen him sexually active wifh men so far is that one of the accusations levelled against RTD was that he killed Ianto off to "de-gay" Jack for the Americans. Which I thought was typical for fandom hysteria, but this is probably the most effective way to say "Seriously?"


torn_eledhwen September 2 2011, 07:05:39 UTC
That's true, there was the woman in the window. And he flirted briefly with Esther in episode 1. But RTD's doing that slightly fannish thing of focusing on Ianto (granted, the most recent love of Jack's life, but not the only one) without acknowledging any of the other loves of his life! Certainly Miracle Day has been the most explicitly gay Torchwood yet, even given the Jack/Ianto relationship which was mostly confined to coy glances and kisses. :) (Not that I'm really complaining - nekkid Barrowman is fairly easy on the eye.)


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