Recs and a poem

Sep 24, 2010 15:26

Two fanfic recs:

Sherlock/Harry Potter:

The case of the unwelcome owl. In which Sherlock gets invited to a wedding and gets outed as the squib of a magical family which explains so much. Best of all, there's a wonderful take on Luna Lovegood.

Doctor Who:

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sherlock, ted hughes, sylvia plath, harry potter, poetry, fanfic recs, dr. who

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Comments 5

resolute September 24 2010, 13:45:46 UTC
That HP/Sherlock fic is the best!


selenak September 24 2010, 21:11:24 UTC
Isn't it just?


nomadicwriter September 24 2010, 14:07:28 UTC
I curse crack_van for the fact that I've been reading the current crop of Doctor/Master recs. I've managed to avoid getting sucked into Who fandom this far, and I really don't need to start now. (I am the kind of fan who, once intrigued, is compelled to start from the very beginning and consume all available canon, and this ends Very Badly in fandoms that have a long and sprawling history. As evidenced by the fact that I've spent most of the past year attempting to consume the entire back history of the Marvel comicverse.)

So, got any recs for good Master fic?


selenak September 24 2010, 21:10:41 UTC
As someone who started watching DW eons ago (read: a decade before New Who) and still hasn't seen all available canon (I qualify with "available" because there are a bunch of Second and First Doctor stories which the BBC simply deleted, though rumour has it copies exist in Simbabwe - not entirely kidding, it's an urban legend in the fandom), I sympathize. Also, I wouldn't advise you to start at the beginning in this particular fandom because the show itself didn't find its feet right away, plus the very different pacing of early 60s tv is hard to take if you're not used to it, so, the First Doctor story I would recommend to anyone as an introduction because it's great, all the characterisations at that point have found themselves, and it introduced some crucial concepts and dilemmas: The Aztecs. Out on dvd, and a pleasure to watch.

Doctor/Master recs: have I ever. But I shall restrain myself and start you easy:

The Naming of Things: hands down the best origin story, so to speak, i.e. the answer to "how did the Master become the ( ... )


nomadicwriter September 24 2010, 22:30:38 UTC
Thanks for the recs!

I qualify with "available" because there are a bunch of Second and First Doctor stories which the BBC simply deleted, though rumour has it copies exist in Simbabwe - not entirely kidding, it's an urban legend in the fandom

Oh, I know all about the Beeb's early archive clearing. And hey, there were those legendary lost episodes of Dad's Army that turned up in somebody's garden shed, so you never know...

Also, I wouldn't advise you to start at the beginning in this particular fandom because the show itself didn't find its feet right away, plus the very different pacing of early 60s tv is hard to take if you're not used to it,

See, but this is exactly my issue. All the sensible advice in the world that some parts are better off skipped cannot battle my internal conviction that catching up on canon means filling in from the beginning up to a particular point. I'm okay if I'm missing later canon, because then I'm "caught up on canon as far as season three" and happy to play with fic set before or AU after that ( ... )


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