Sherlock 1.02

Aug 03, 2010 06:01

Alex' look is very appropriate to my reaction to this episode.

...I'm back to wondering about Moffat & writers not himself in shows he heads, and reminding myself I did love Simon Nye's and Richard Curtis' episodes in DW season 5, very much so, so I don't go for an unearned complaint. Still, this particular example was pretty lousy. How so? Let me count the ways.

1.) No cliché re: Chinese/Asian characters left unused.

2.) Holmes and Watson dumb as doornails in a crucial scene. The fact many action heroes are so is no excuse. When a woman tells you an assassin is after her and the light goes out in the building, indicating the assassin has arrived, you do NOT run away to chase said assassin. At first I thought Watson would show more sense than Holmes by staying with the woman instead, but no, then he tells her to stay put and runs after Holmes. HOW STUPID CAN YOU GET? (I really must use capslock here. So of course she dies as soon as she is alone. Guys, this cliché was tired and worn out in the 1970s already.

3.) The wit of the previous episode entirely missing from the script. Moffat, editing is not a sin. Especially when wit is direly needed to cover up all the other problems.

4.) No Lestrade. Young inspector fulfilling the cliché of the ignorant official not appreciating the genius of the great detective at once instead (you know, the very one they avoided with Lestrade) was no replacement. I want my Lestrade, especially since I currently want to slap both of the leads.

I liked Sarah (Watson's love interest of the day), but that was about it. Bah. Humbug. To go all Victorian on the tale.

...and the next episode is by Mark Gatiss. This... does not fill me with confidence.

episode review, sherlock

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