fannish5: Sweeties

Jul 31, 2010 05:52

Name the five sweetest fictional characters.

Here they are, all coming with a "if you don't love them, you're just plain wrong" disclaimer. :)

1.) Vir Cotto (Babylon 5). In addition to being absolutely adorable and funny when he doesn't break your heart, Vir is brave, loving and not only Londo's conscience but the one of the show.

2.) Kaylee ( Read more... )

merlin, firefly, meme, lost, dr. who, babylon 5

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Comments 14

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selenak July 31 2010, 04:43:38 UTC
There was plenty of other food around at the time, otherwise he wouldn't have done it. Also, when you're currently hallucinating inmates from your time in a mental hospital, you're allowed a break.


zahrawithaz July 31 2010, 04:42:44 UTC
Must agree with Kaylee and Gwen--so nice to see Gwen love especially! And I love your disclaimer.


selenak July 31 2010, 04:49:14 UTC
Sweet characters are sometimes dismissed as pushovers, and Gwen is such a great example of how this is not the case, not even with the disadvantage of a social position where she has to take orders because that's her job.

Re: disclaimer: there are a lot of characters where I'm all "mileage may vary, I like X but I can understand that you don't", but these five just evoke that disclaimer feeling!


mamculuna July 31 2010, 06:45:30 UTC
Awww. They really are, all of them. Couldn't agree more (although Book...and Walt...)


selenak July 31 2010, 07:14:26 UTC
I love Book and Walt as well, but the specific category was sweetness, and I'm not sure I'd call either of them that. Mind you, I have some other characters I was tempted to include, like Marshall from Alias, or first season of Heroes Hiro, but ultimately one has to bow to the number demanded. *g*


ffutures July 31 2010, 06:56:50 UTC
Don't know Lost or Merlin so can't comment on 3 or 4, but the rest seem fine. I'd personally substitute Tara McClay (Buffy) and Vincent (Eureka).


selenak July 31 2010, 07:15:26 UTC
I don't know Eureka, but Tara was very sweet, yes, and a great example of quiet strength, which is the first thing I asssociate with her.


kattahj July 31 2010, 07:14:10 UTC
Heh, I read the meme description and went "Hurley had better be in there!" and lo, he was. :-) I hear you on Kaylee and Wilf too. I don't know the other two, but I'm sure you're right about them.


selenak July 31 2010, 07:16:14 UTC
Would I leave Hurley out? Never!


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