Warped at the Leipzig Book Fair, and fanfic recs

Mar 18, 2010 18:29

I'm at the Leipzig Book Fair (not as big and international as the Frankfurt one, but with a charm all of its own, and lots more readings), which will make for little online time for the rest of the week. Evidence #24644 how fandom has warped your mind sneaks up everywhere you don't expect it to: in a book presentation, Steffen Marthus, apropos his ( Read more... )

jane austen, leipzig book fair, brothers grimm, battlestar galactica, fanfic recs, dr. who

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Comments 5

flo_nelja March 18 2010, 18:08:54 UTC
Which story is Das Lumpengesindel ? I can't remember...


selenak March 18 2010, 19:47:07 UTC
flo_nelja March 18 2010, 19:52:34 UTC
It must have been "censored" in the versions for children I read... ^^ I'm not even sure I had read it before.


lls_mutant March 20 2010, 18:56:14 UTC
Here from the wireless- and thanks for the rec!! You made my day :)


selenak March 21 2010, 13:26:40 UTC
It was my pleasure.:)


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