
Jun 04, 2009 14:31

No weekly Ashes to Ashes review, if you're wondering, because I want to wait until next week's episode before writing it, for plot-related reasons. Also, business strikes again, so should I owe you a reply, forgive the delay.

The multiverse5000 stories have started, and I was delighted to discover today's was encounter between Tosh (from Torchwood) and ( Read more... )

comics, torchwood, multiverse

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Comments 7

kalypso_v June 4 2009, 12:36:02 UTC
if you're wondering

I was, actually...


spikewriter June 4 2009, 13:05:53 UTC
I completely understand -- my eyes were glued to my computer screen on Monday night, just riveted.


kathyh June 4 2009, 14:09:11 UTC
because I want to wait until next week's episode before writing it

That I can understand. The plot suddenly went into overdrive.

so should I owe you a reply, forgive the delay.

You are most definitely forgiven. Don't rush to reply to me because we're off on holiday soon and then I would feel immensely guilty about not having time to reply to you *g*.


londonkds June 4 2009, 15:17:35 UTC
You were guessing that Chris would die: did this week's episode change that or do you think there's worse to happen?


selenak June 4 2009, 17:55:25 UTC
My thoughts, in the order they occured:

1.) Okay, this is the Chris catastrophe I felt was coming, so that means he won't die. Phew.
2.) Oh no. They're going to make him atone by a heroic sacrifical death, are they?
3.) No, they won't, not after giving Gene the "you get to live" speech.
4.) On the other hand, Gene was even more hubristic than usual in that speech with the "I am your judge, jury and executioner" conclusion, so...

In short, I have no idea.


abigail_n June 4 2009, 20:05:52 UTC
I'm inclined to think that he will die heroically. I have all sorts of thoughts about Chris which I won't bore you with, but basically I think that both Gene and the show let him off easy, and allowing him to redeem himself by dying would be the logical extension of that approach.


selenak June 5 2009, 04:57:13 UTC
I have many thoughts as well, partly influenced through lingering Adama issues about the "my people/ I am the law" approach, but it really depends on the follow-up for me. Hence no review until next week.


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