X-Men/Doctor Who poll

May 05, 2009 16:14

likeadeuce, who is a genius this way, yesterday speculated that clearly Professor X and Magneto were busy marathoning Doctor Who on BBCAmerica during most events of the newly released X-Men prequel, Wolverine. As Charles 'n Erik watching Doctor Who together must become fanon, I have created a poll. Because you know they'd debate favourite Doctors and favourite Companions all the time.

Now, these hypothetical DW marathons would have taken place before their break-up, which means it also was years before New Who, and probably even the tv movie of doom. Which means the polls only list the One to Seven eras of Doctor Who. Theoretically they would have started with Four, because American tv did, but that's boring, so I declare Charles would have been able to get his hands on video tapes showing the First, Second and Third Doctor's adventures as well.

Poll The very scientific X-Men/Doctor Who poll

x-men, poll, dr. who

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