
Feb 23, 2009 08:34

Local concerns first: having watched and awarded Spielzeugland myself last month when I was in the short film jury, I was thrilled to bits it won for best live action short film. Yay Jochen Freydank! (Also, the name of either movie or director isn't that difficult to pronounce, guys. Sheesh ( Read more... )

films, oscar

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Comments 11

kalypso_v February 23 2009, 12:14:48 UTC
From the way the BBC has been going on, you'd think it was Brits all the way (though they did remember to mention Ledger - and for some reason Cruz). I only found about about Penn from you!

I like the idea of Sense and Sensitivity, but I don't think it's what you mean.


selenak February 23 2009, 12:26:38 UTC

Also, he. I don't blame the BBC, it really was very Brit-dominant. Here's Penn's acceptance speech in case they're not showing it:


lizamanynames February 23 2009, 22:41:00 UTC
Let's not forget the australians and Indians (especially Indians!) made a good showing, too! Very low CanCon this year (sorry, translated from Canadian: Canadian Content). But meh, why the hell would anybody outside our country care about Paschendael? :/


selenak February 24 2009, 05:58:00 UTC
Oh, the Indians triumphed big time, but I would hope the BBC mentioned THAT in their coverage and Kalypso wouldn't have to find it out via my journal.*g*


greenpear February 23 2009, 13:55:04 UTC
I honestly didn't know the Oscar's were on last night. SInce I watch most of my television on-line or from computer files I just missed it...

Am I that much out of touch???


selenak February 24 2009, 05:58:55 UTC
It happen to me, too, at times. Just not with the Oscars.:)


crossoverman February 23 2009, 22:43:49 UTC
Kate Winslet was - as I always knew - down-to-earth and perfect. Thanking Jackson and Thompson was incredible. Her father whistling was priceless. Man, fame just hasn't gone to her head!


selenak February 24 2009, 06:00:21 UTC
It's amazing to think she already can look back on two decades of a career - and as you say, has remained down-to-earth (not to mention a wonderful actress).


wemblee February 23 2009, 23:13:46 UTC
I know zip about Rourke other than "This was his big comeback!" so I feel a little bad for him, but I SO expected Milk to get shut out and only get Best Screenplay as a sort of "consolation prize" (note: I thought it was an awesome screenplay), so I was SO happy to see it get more than one Oscar. Miiiiiilk. :D

Kate Winslet did look gorgeous. And Anne Hathaway, too.

Can I just take time out to randomly say that I love your posts and that you're awesome?


selenak February 24 2009, 06:02:43 UTC
Milk versus Rourke: yes, how I felt, too, as I haven't seen The Wrestler yet and thus do not know what his performance is like. (I actually hadn't liked Mickey Rourke during his big time of stardom in the 80s, but that doesn't matter; given all the praise for his comeback from people I respect, I'll definitely go and see it one it starts in Germany.)

And aw, thank you!


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