
Jan 09, 2008 21:00

After making me wait in vain for two months, the comicstore where I get my English-language comics from told me they no longer import. This means having to wait for the trade volumes, I guess. Curses. So the question is, do I give in to the spoiler lure or don't I?

In other news, I've read The Sixth Wife by Suzannah Dunn, which manages, among ( Read more... )

tudors, elizabeth i, history, comics, book review

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Comments 10

skywaterblue January 9 2008, 19:58:23 UTC
I'm curious about option 4; are there historical novels that out and out claim that he raped her? (In the manner which we consider child abuse to be today?) Likewise, are there any versions that tell the story that young Elizabeth was simply a teenage girl who liked being at her stepparent's home and all three got up to high-spirited but friendly hijinks?


selenak January 10 2008, 07:04:09 UTC
Yes to both. "Unicorn's Blood" by Patricia Finney, while being set decades later, has the central McGuffin that he did rape her (while not thinking of it as rape, fitting the child abuser model). (Finney also used this for a radio play.)

And in the novel I just read, "The Sixth Wife", it really is just harmless hijinks and Elizabeth was simply being a teenager; it's the narrator who had the secret affair with Seymour and then framed Elizabeth for it.


skywaterblue January 10 2008, 07:13:12 UTC
I see; I read the bit about Finney to mean that she left it rather vague as to if it was abuse. Possibly I am just extraordinarily dense today, since I didn't get the second bit either.


kalypso_v January 9 2008, 23:08:42 UTC
There's a lock of Kate Parr's hair going up for auction next week. I never imagined her being that blonde.


selenak January 10 2008, 06:59:39 UTC
Me neither! I always saw her as brunette. Huh.


kalypso_v January 15 2008, 17:06:30 UTC
It went for £2,000, apparently!


you're keen xxsnow3whitexx January 10 2008, 07:35:49 UTC
You know? I'd be utterly willing to send you comics. I think everyone deserves good art. :)


gaspode January 10 2008, 09:45:42 UTC
Couldn't you use one of teh UK independent stores to send your comics every few weeks ?

I was working in the middle east and Calamity Comics in Harrow managed to get me a bundle every month - even coming uop with a verity of ways to get past Saudi censors - didn't lose a single one and the monthly postage was not much on top of the cost of the comics (weekly would have been too much)..

I still use calamity now - I've known the guys since they started as a craft market stall back in 1985.


selenak January 10 2008, 14:08:03 UTC
Hm, thanks for the tip! Will contact them and ask them whether they can send comics to Munich...


gaspode January 10 2008, 17:58:54 UTC
Ask for John or Eric and tell them John Medany sent you ... +44 20 8427 3831


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