Fannish5: Favourite Fictional Parents, and a DW/Life on Mars crossover

Jul 28, 2007 13:01

First, a fanfic link:

Life on Earth is a Dr. Who/Life on Mars crossover with spoilers only for the first season of LoM, but all of DW (i.e. including the s3/29 finale). Ever since ( casting spoiler for s3 of DW )

ds9, buffy, life on mars, carnivale, multifandom, dr. who, discword, meme, fanfic recs

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Comments 8

resolute July 28 2007, 13:38:41 UTC
selenak July 28 2007, 15:23:03 UTC
Rita Sue fans, unite!


watervole July 28 2007, 14:21:57 UTC
Rita Sue was amazing. Carnivale had characters with such depth and some very complex female characters. I loved it for that.


selenak July 28 2007, 15:24:11 UTC
Same here. I had issues with the second season, but thankfully they didn't touch Rita Sue.


watervole July 28 2007, 15:39:26 UTC
I was advised never to watch season 2, so I haven't.


selenak July 28 2007, 17:53:57 UTC
That was the right thing to do!


wee_warrior July 28 2007, 18:36:27 UTC
Another Rita Sue fan reporting for duty!

Although I have to admit to being partial to the Vimeses and Sisko as well.


selenak July 28 2007, 18:39:37 UTC
All the better! They all deserve love.


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