Earths Mightest Heroes, or not

May 12, 2007 11:40

likeadeuce, I blame you for this. Well, you and Civil War. Coming across two trade volumes with the Avengers foundation story, Earth's Mightiest Heroes, written by Joe Casey, I aquired them. They work amazingly well as inadvertent foreshadowing. Ah, Marvel.

So, my impressions in form of a summary:

Tony Stark/Iron Man: People distrust us and individual responses to supervillainy sometimes just aren't enough. Hence my idea of founding a team and going semi-official and legit. If we pull this off, we'll get a security status that allows us access to goverment data bases, air ports and all the good stuff. Also, since I, err, my employer Tony Stark is going to finance this thing, I took the liberty of writing our charta. Sign, please?

Future Avengers: bicker

Hulk: Nobody is ever going to trust us.

Iron Man: Pull yourself together. I just vouched for you on national tv.

Hulk: Scew you! *goes smash boom in very public manner*

Iron Man: You know, a few years hence when I shoot you into space and am going to have casual sex with your cousin, I'm not going to feel sorry.

Special Agent Murch: I'm the embodiment of goverment bureaucracy and going to bitch at you as both Iron Man and Tony Stark. For some reason, I like Tony better. So, let's start. The Hulk totally proves you people are ticking time bombs. You're never going to get that security status.

Tony: How fortunate for me that I happen to have a national symbol just thawed up in the mansion.

Captain America/Steve Rogers: *awakes and finds welcome note from Tony pinned on his shield*

Cap: *broods over past and having missed decades in cyrogentic sleep*

Ricky Jones: Hi, I'm your new young sidekick, there to embody youth, optimism, and to provide you with angsty flashbacks to Bucky.

Jarvis: And I'm here to provide you with a link to the past, seeing as we're of an age, only I never got a superserum. Let's bond. Oh, and you might want to take a look at this neat charta my employer has written...

Iron Man: *bickers entertainingly with Thor while this happens*

Avengers: *have their first team work, which includes Cap and is a major success*

Special Agent Murch: Okay, so that was a total publicity coup. But you're still not getting your security status, Stark. Also, you'll be in luck if your unfrozen national symbol doesn't have a nervous breakdown soon. Just saying.

Cap: *angsts on visiting tour of Arlington Cemetary*

Zemo, evil Nazi foe of Cap's past: *shows up*

Tony (as Iron Man): With all this past as present stuff, it occurs to me that Cap's status as secret agent from WWII was never officially withdrawn. I hereby claim we already have national security status, because he's on our team.

Special Agent Murch: I hate you. Fine. But only as long as he's on your team. As soon as he leaves, you're all illegit again.

Zemo: *kidnaps Rick*

Cap: *is about to leave*

Tony as Iron Man: So with you on the fear for Rick, but could you be looking at the big picture here? At least don't go on a crazy lonesome quest but let's make this a team effort.

Cap: No. I have to do what I believe is right and have to do this on my own. Also, I'm not a big picture kind of guy, sorry. Farewell, Iron Man!

Thor: In a spectactular display of timing, I am going back to Asgard as well. Farewell, Iron Man!

Tony: *headdesks*

Jarvis: *chats up ex-con Hawkeye and insinuates there might be a job opening at the Avengers*

Pietro and Wanda, somewhere in a fictional European country: We just left Dad being a terrorist on his lonesome, and everyone hates us, which might either be because we're mutants or, you know, because we're ex-terrorists. Whatever shall we do?

Cap: *has showdown with Zemo and frees Ricky Jones, who's still alive*

Tony as Iron Man to remaining Avengers: People, we have new recruits. Say hello to Hawkeye. Oh, and my employer, Mr. Stark, is going to fly to Europe to pick up two ex-terrorists, too.

Wasp and Giant Man: Um, this is probably not a good time to tell you we're quitting. But don't give up the good fight, Iron Man!

Tony: *goes to London as himself and picks up Pietro and Wanda*

Cap: *picks up old American newspaper in fictional country and finds out the Avengers just recruited Hawkeye*: Ricky, we're going back.k

First Avenger meeting with Pietro, Wanda and Hawkeye: *ensues and is party crashed by Cap*

Hawkeye: *tries to c hat up Wanda and is glared at by Pietro*

Cap: So, Iron Man. No hard feelings about me having to do my own thing, right?

Tony as Iron Man: Not at all. By the way, I'm quitting and dumping the leading the Avengers job on you.

Cap: What? You can't!

Tony as Iron Man: Watch me. Your first job is the press conference where you're going to explain why our new members aren't a security risk at all and deserve a second chance. Enjoy.

Press conference: *ensues, capped, no pun intended, with inspiring speech by Captain America*

Tony as himself, watching on tv: I knew he had it in him. Ah, good times ahead!

avengers, marvel

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