Title: Claim
Disclaimer: All owned by NBC.
Spoilers: Until the The Hard Part
Summary: Peter wants to talk about Claire. Nathan tries not to.
Rating: PG-13. .
Thanks to:
resolute for beta-reading.
Timeline: Set between .07% and The Hard Part
I need an icon of the three of them, too.... )
Comments 34
Well done!
Humble thanks!
Eines meiner ältesten und heißgeliebtesten.
I really need some of Ten, though, as I prefer him to Nine (I know - blasphemous!). And of course of Martha. And Jack. And, er, "Mr. Saxon."
It was a typical Peter pronouncement; overly emotional, too insightful and yet missing a major point at the same time.
Thanks for sharing this.
Peter coming into his own and Claire have definitely shaken up the dynamics of the Petrelli brothers. I could imagine Nathan having more problems coming to terms with that than Peter who has Claire as new ally. After reading this fic I really, really really want the show to explore those dynamics next season.
So do I, which is reason #100222 why Nathan must survive.
Mind you, while I do think Peter can handle the current constellation far better than Nathan, I think that this is in (subconscious) part because he's the emotional focus there, for both Nathan and Claire. Let's face it, Peter never had competition for Nathan. (Human competition, that is; there is of course Nathan's ambition, but that's different.) And he definitely doesn't have competition for Claire right now, either.
I rewatched Nathan's phone call with Meredith the other way, and their meeting plus Nathan's talk with Angela, and so felt myself on firm ground on how he reacted to their presumed death and how it influences his present-day ambivalence...
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