
Nov 19, 2006 12:59

Firstly, regarding last night's linkage and the ensuing commentator, the only thing I have to say is a direct quote from Astonshing X-Men #13: "I'm totally cool. I'm totally calm, and I'm totally cool. My calm is exceeded only by my cool. Which is total."

Also, rumours that likeadeuce, resolute and yours truly were emailing each other like a bunch of squeeing ( Read more... )

joss whedon, das leben der anderen, battlestar galactica, astonshing x-men

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Comments 17

gelasius November 19 2006, 11:49:29 UTC
Firstly, regarding last night's linkage and the ensuing commentator ...

DUDE. Y'all are the coolest things ever. And Joss is still my favorite geekboy writer/creator. ;)


selenak November 19 2006, 14:08:17 UTC
My cred as an objective critic is ruined anyway, but I shall not give into the temptation to gush, oh no! What's next, drawing hearts? Writing long essays about the man's work and lots of fanfic? Not me!

*wanders off singing Sondheim songs*


kathyh November 19 2006, 12:39:05 UTC
"I'm totally cool. I'm totally calm, and I'm totally cool. My calm is exceeded only by my cool. Which is total."

I believe you, thousands wouldn't *g*. Seriously, that was pretty amazing. Shame you didn't include a strong hint in your essays that Joss should stop faffing about with Wonderwoman and get his ass back to TV where he belongs though!

hope it gets released, by hook or crook, in countries other than Germany.

No sign of it here I'm afraid, and our indie cinema does show German films when they're available, but I'll keep looking out for it.


selenak November 19 2006, 14:04:04 UTC
Here's hoping, re: 2). And hey, he gets those petitions on conventions anyway!


kathyh November 20 2006, 13:39:40 UTC
Thought you might like to know his own thoughts on the subject from the latest edition of SFX (not up online yet, but probably will be soon).

Certianly my agent must be wondering, "Why are you writing comic books all the time?" And I realise that I have a problem. He needs to make an intervention to get me back to writing TV. But the fact is that after Firefly - which did break my heart, just broke it, completely cracked it - I'm terrified. I'm like one of those people who's terrified to love again... which I always see in movies and go, "Get over your shit! Like, whatever! So somebody dumped you! Move on!" But the idea of falling love with another series is just too painful. Even after making Serenity.

Ahh...give the man a hug! Then kick him back to TV *g*.


selenak November 20 2006, 16:00:20 UTC
Aww. He's Buffy post-Innocence!


resolute November 19 2006, 13:27:15 UTC


selenak November 19 2006, 14:00:37 UTC


likeadeuce November 19 2006, 14:46:39 UTC

Just because we don't want to get too joyful here. (and now I :) )

About BSG, I felt about the same. I enjoyed it fine but was out of thoughts once it was over. And about this -- (Also why I want Zarek back, because Adama just isn't any challenge for her any more.) . . .I totally agree. Well, the Zarek part, obviously, but also that Roslin totally owned him. That worked fine for this episode, but I'm not sure where the internal conflict is coming from right now. I didn't see the preview, but I heard it suggests next week is mostly about the pilots (with some Anders. . .happy smile).


selenak November 19 2006, 15:24:17 UTC
And here you see the sinister influence of Mr. Whedon. While others rejoice in the harmony between Roslin & Adama, you and I scorn happy relationships and want conflict and competition (with flirting in between, in the case of Zarek)!

Also, I ordered the Zarek comic mentioned in fallen_idealist. Will tell you how it is once it gets here, which will be next month at the earliest, alas.


honorh November 19 2006, 19:00:44 UTC
Also, rumours that likeadeuce, resolute and yours truly were emailing each other like a bunch of squeeing banshees last night are utterly and completely untrue.

Liar, liar, pants on fire!


selenak November 19 2006, 19:12:47 UTC
We call that being economical with the truth, m'dear.


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