From likeadeuce

Oct 12, 2006 19:16

1) Right now, what do you feel are the 1, 2 or 3 best stories you've written since becoming/admitting you're a fanfic writer? What was it about that/those stories that really made you proud, or thrilled you about them?

Hmmmm. Tricky. Okay, here are the three that come to mind right now.

The Burying Kind: an Angel the Series/ Six Feet Under ( Read more... )

ds9, fanfiction, buffy, alien, six foot under, multifandom, alias, angel, meme, babylon 5

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selenak October 12 2006, 19:49:59 UTC
*g* I'm happy to amuse. And it so would. BTW, did you see my earlier Dr. Who related post? It has two fanfic recs just for you.


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selenak October 12 2006, 19:55:10 UTC
These stories will cheer you up, I promise. Excellent food for sick days!


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selenak October 12 2006, 19:48:03 UTC
We love Indians more. Trust me on this. Since 188something when K.M. (the other one!) started to publish his stuff, long before political correctness. Generations of Germans cried over the death of the noble Apache hero. *confesses* I still can recite parts of it.

These novels were made into (bad) films in the 1960s, and of course no one had the money to shoot in the US, so they shot them in the former Yugoslavia. With the result that a lot of Germans before they either see American Westerns or go there themselves imagine Arizona etc. looks just like Yugoslavia.*g*


likeadeuce October 12 2006, 18:21:47 UTC
Oh, I love that crossover so much -- and the young Londo story as well (don't know DS9 canon well enough for the other --)

And I love love love the "Alien" crossover AU. Incidentally, sionnain and I were once bouncing around ideas of actresses Scott Summers might fantasize about. I insisted forcefully that Scott's type is "grownup women who can kick his ass" and suggested Sigourney-in-Alien as a prototype. I think Sion went with something else in the story, but I still like the notion *g*


selenak October 12 2006, 19:44:00 UTC
Now I'm disappointed she went with Cameron Diaz, because, yeah. Scott so would have Sigourney-as-Ripley as his fantasy girl. With a touch of Sigourney-in-Ghostbusters because Ripley wouldn't rip his clothes of.*g*


likeadeuce October 12 2006, 19:54:51 UTC
Hahaha, doesn't she get possessed by an evil entity in Ghostbusters? DEFINITELY his type. Now I have to rewatch 80s horror-comedy for dark Phoenix parallels, because they're clearly there.


selenak October 12 2006, 19:59:38 UTC
She does, and tries to distract Our Hero with sex from this. *now imagines Scott as played by Bill Murray*


counteragent October 13 2006, 00:59:11 UTC
I just read "The Burying Kind." Lovely story! It was nice to see Cordy properly mourned, and the touches of humor were particularly well judged.


selenak October 13 2006, 04:52:48 UTC
Thank you!


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