Ethics and the Superhero: Supreme Power, again

Sep 18, 2005 16:49

Visiting my local comic store, I wasn't surprised Astonishing X-Men #12 hadn't arrived yet (it usually takes a month), but I got my hands on Supreme Power #13 and #14, which means my waiting time till November when the trade collection is available will be shorter. To recapitulate: Supreme Power is, imo, the best thing JMS wrote (and still is ( Read more... )

jms, comics, review, supreme power

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Comments 13

murasaki99 September 18 2005, 15:44:21 UTC
Wow, many thanks for the review! I'm thrilled comics are even addressing topics like this and trying to bring in a level of moral depth and complexity. I've been more a DC fan for years, but certain Marvel characters always fascinated me. And then there was manga...


selenak September 18 2005, 16:10:56 UTC
You're welcome, and yes, comics exploring this is great.


buffyannotater September 18 2005, 16:06:15 UTC
Selena, you've done it again! Once more, you've made something sound so fascinating in a review that I want to read/see it right now! :-)

Do you know if there's a collection of Supreme Power out yet, by any chance?


selenak September 18 2005, 16:14:21 UTC
Two of them: Volume I and two.

And hey, glad to be of service!


buffyannotater September 18 2005, 16:15:56 UTC
Cool...I just checked the website and they're both in stock at my local Borders. I might just swing by there later today.


Oof... buffyannotater September 18 2005, 16:18:16 UTC
Heh...Had I not just been waking up when I read the post, I would've noticed you mentioned the trade collections in the review.


londonkds September 18 2005, 16:57:25 UTC
You have to wait a month for DC/Marvel comics? "Forbidden Planet" in London seems to get them practically as soon as they come out in the US, although the individual issues of the current Firefly three-parter do seem to be taking a while to cross the Atlantic.

Re current concerns over the DC main-canon superheroes across LJ and blogs - the main concerns, which I can thoroughly see the point of, seem to be that these are open-ended characters and if you take them too far down into psychological deconstruction it leaves a mess for later writers to have to deal with, in much the same way as, in retrospect, it seems to me that Whedon et al took the characters too far down in BtVS6 to be able to convincingly show them recovering in BtVS7.


selenak September 18 2005, 17:59:31 UTC
Yes, I know, and it's majorly unfair. The owner imports twice a month at most, usually just once a month, and he's the only one in Munich who does.

Re: current concerns - yes, I noticed that as the main issue, but also complaints about invidual characters written ooc and/or given insufficient motivation for major actions.


buffyannotater September 19 2005, 19:23:51 UTC
Wow...I'm almost finished with the first collection, and this series is brilliant! Thanks so much for pointing it out to me! It really does seem to be a direct response to Miller and to DC, in general. Recently, I recommended Dark Knight Returns to atpotch, who had some major problems with the book's philosophy. I'm thinking of suggesting this to him next time I speak to him, as it seems to address the exact issues he raised. Wow, thanks again! Once I finish the second book, I might have to start buying this monthly. I don't know if I can wait for the compilations!


selenak September 19 2005, 19:37:35 UTC
So glad you like it! And yes, it's brilliant. Can't wait to read your review (hint, hint).


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selenak September 22 2005, 17:16:47 UTC
No, I hadn't known. I'll be on the lookout for those then.


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