Dial-up users, consider yourselves warned and protected by an lj cut. Here is the first round of photos from the journey. More to come as I upload them, which sometimes takes a long while.
These are from Switzerland, the countryside of the German-speaking part
Snow at the end of May. Also, the brave vehicle who made it all the way to the Cote d'Azure and back.
The Via Mala. That's the Rhine there cutting its way through the rocks, folks.
The Rhone Glacier
The Matterhorn, obviously.
Saas Fee. The panorama you get when looking out of the window, surrounded with 4000 m mountains.
And now for those neat wood and rock combinations for houses...
Details. It's an anti-mouse device, you know.
Rock Roof
Carl Zuckmayer's grave from the Saas Fee cemetary.