Fanfic Recs

Sep 06, 2021 18:43

Quickly, three fanfic recs:

Pride and Prejudice/Persuasion:

Still-Life with Pheasant, Oranges, and Calves-Foot Jell: A delightful fusion between these two Austen novels, in epistolary form.

Star Wars:

White Orchid: To quote the authorial description: Emperor Palpatine dies unexpectedly a year before the Death Star would be deemed operational. His ( Read more... )

ds9, jane austen, star wars, star trek

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Comments 2

raincitygirl September 8 2021, 04:24:07 UTC
White Orchid looks AWESOME! I dare not start it tonight, lest I get sucked in and stay up all night devouring it. But I have already bookmarked the series and will start reading tomorrow. THANK YOU!


selenak September 8 2021, 10:51:23 UTC
You're welcome!


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