my weekend... and yours??

May 04, 2009 02:11

hey everyone!
how was your weekend?! mine was literally full of music!! and even if i suffered for love, this weekend was pretty entertaining!! <3

yesterday (saturday) i went to see a show from Resando, a local (from Trento... ^^) band... Their music is pretty different from what i usually listen to. But I like it, cause it makes me feel like falling into a trip (do you know what i mean?? *_*) and Filippo's voice is kinda sexy, in my personal opinion!! lol
but, it would be better if you could see them live, cause they are so powerful and hypnotic... and yesterday Filippo had a wonderful make-up, with black lips and red eyes!! *_*
if you want to listen to some of their songs, this is their myspace:
i advice to listen to "snake", cause it's soooo..... sexy!!! "i... want... your... sex..." *_* give them a chance! <3
but, yes... i couldn't take my eyes off of Michele!! <3 i don't really know why... maybe cause he had wonderful hair? or maybe cause he was kinda emo, and i had such a thing for emo boys?? lol anyway, i can't wait to see them again! ^^
i did a pic with my mobile, but i don't think it's the best quality ever... ^^ but it's here! you can see Filippo near the keyboards and Michele on the right side of the pic... <3

i was there with Ida... when Resando finished, we went out for a cigarette... and while we were there, we saw two (Federico and Michele... not Jacopo...) of the three boys from the Bastard Sons Of Dioniso!! *_* They are a local band too, but this year they arrived to the second place of the italian X-factor, so they are kinda famous now!!! and Federico was so cute and nice like he seems to be in tv... i mean, i didn't talk to them, cause in this place they are like at home and they don't come because they want to be covered by crazy fans... and i don't know them personally, even if i have friends which are friends of them... ok, i'm just fooling!! ^^ but, anyway! this is their myspace:
they are strange, but you know... actually, they're great!! thay had a lot of success here in Italy, thanks to X-factor... maybe cause they're so funny and cute! but it's also because they are really good!
this is the official video from their first single... i know, it's an italian song, but... i like their force and power! they make me feel full of energy!! yay! ^^ so, here they are! give them a chance too!!

image Click to view

ok... i have the favourite boy in this band too!! ^^ he's Federico, and guess what?? he's the drummer!! ah ah! i totally have a thing for drummers!! Shannon Leto from 30 Seconds To Mars, Nate Novarro from Cobra Starship, The Butcher from The Academy Is...!! and even if i really love love Ryan, Spencer is just Spencer, so he's awesome!! ^^ and now, Federico!! ahah
who will be the next drummer?! any advice?? ^^

btw... today (sunday) i went to a benefit evening... i don't know if you know, but here in Italy, some weeks ago, there had been a huge earthquake, which destroyed some cities and did a lot of dead people... it was so bad for us (=italians people)!! but we have a big quality: when something like that happens, we know how to stay together and help us each other... so, tonight, there was this musical evening, with choirs and orchestras! the jazz one was awesome! *_* and my little sister sang in one of the choirs! ^^ so, it was amazing and was for a good reason... plus, music is always a good reason!! ^^
and... yes! today i saw a movie with my little brother and little sister... but don't ask me the title, cause i won't tell it!! it's too embarrassing!! lol btw... in it there were both Rascal Flatts and Taylor Swift, that i love, cause they make me fell relaxed and happy... so... i'll give a virtual hug to the person who will guess what film i've seen! ahah

fine! it's late, i wanna go to my warm bed with my Teddy Bear (he's name is Orso Nero = Black Bear in english! ^^), who is a big fan of Fall Out Boy... and that doesn't mean i decided that he is a fan of them... he decided it!! and he's really proud of it!  oh, yeah! ^^
so... ttys!! and... i like comments!! ^^
bye! <3

life, music

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