Title: Wisteria Notes: See Chapter I. This installment is a quick look at a what-if reality - what if there are no happy endings ? Summary: Childhood is grand, but everyone has to grow up sometime.
Title: the turning of the moon Character/Pairing: Eleven/Rose. Rating: PG. Summary: Rose has learned that with the Doctor, with this Doctor, almost everything has a time limit. Author's Notes: My first entry to then_theres_us , photo challenge #35.
Title: The Sound of Candlelight Rating: PG Characters: Ten.2 / Rose, Ten / Rose, Eleven / Rose Disclaimer: Sadly, Doctor Who belongs to someone far richer and luckier than I. Spoilers: Journey's End & passing knowledge of series five.
Title: Wisteria Notes: Original characters belong to me, foolishy@gaiaonline, minsuil@gaiaonline, and anyong kim@gaiaonline. Summary: Childhood is grand, but everyone has to grow up sometime.
Title: In Lieu of Kindness Notes: Original characters belong to Zephuu. Summary: The bruises we leave on each other all fade away, but the changes we make are the steps we take towards the future.
Title: In Lieu of Kindness Notes: Original characters belong to Zephuu. Summary: The bruises we leave on each other all fade away, but the changes we make are the steps we take towards the future.