
Apr 30, 2008 18:32

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bla, me, cry, random, tonhyuk

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Comments 24

alexial_sama April 30 2008, 17:52:51 UTC
TToTT Oh my gosh, that's really so terrible T_T Your cellphone AND hearing such news from the dentist. I didn't know you have a jaw disease >_< Well, if you absolutely must get your wisdom tooth removed...let me know when, I will send you something to cheer you up @_@
I hope your cellphone turns up....guh, it's so dumb if you have to buy a new phone only a few months before going to Japan >_< Well, at least your friends came over to stay with you? I hope you can have a good time and fell better <333

... )


seki_is_mine April 30 2008, 22:24:50 UTC
^^ ma~~ thank you~ really!! ^--^

I really hope I´ll find my cellphone..T-T;even if it really seems I lost it somewhere in the shopping center..oh well ^^°

=_=; and yeah..this jaw disease is bothersome but it´s not that bad yet ^^ just turned out to be a problem now because of that operation.. ;_;||
well they told me to go to another specialist to get it checked..T_T;;

eek~ but hey! ^3^
we bought the plane tickets today! *_*
and were leaving on 31.07!
o^----^o I really hope we can meet so soon!! ^.^
Im thinking that all the time! <3

have a great time!! ^.^


alexial_sama May 1 2008, 06:25:19 UTC
>_< Well I hope everything gets sorted out then~ Maybe the second opinion will turn out better. Guh, nothing's worse than mouth pain T_T (I'm sure that statement did nothing to cheer you up lol)

Ah great you bought your tickets! Well so you are leaving at the end of July? Actually my dad will be visiting me until August 5th @_@ So maybe we could make a plan to meet for after that if possible *^_^*But I also hope so much to see you really soon after you arrive ^o^ Of course I think about that always as well ^^;;
I'll probably have a heart attack when we do just since I've made it so exciting in my mind hahaha~


seki_is_mine May 1 2008, 13:55:37 UTC
yeah T-T;; well still there´s hope XD;;;

and yeah! ^^ were leaving on 31. here! *-*
kekeke!! ^.^

und shure!! ^0^ its so cool your dad si visiting you, really! ^.^
My parents would NEVER go to japan haha xD;
my mam probably would.. but my dad would get the total culture shock haha x33~~

and yes~!! ^3^ if you want ..uhm~ I can visit you first! ^^
of course you could also come to my place hehe ^-^ but Id really like to go to kyoto anyway nyahaa! ^^

and realy, im thinking more about meeting you then about flying to japan at all sometimes ^w^

its not even that long anymore!! eek~! x33


layann April 30 2008, 18:50:08 UTC
Ach du scheisse T___T~


nein, sieh es so.. es kann nur besser werden:

31. Juli :D~ <3

Zumindest is das meine Einstellung ;o; und doofe pech.-situation hab ihc ja zu genüge immer xD aber.. nur haste was offizielles zum freuen (oder auch vor angst haben wie ich xDD)

wir denken an dich (und essen eine shceibe baileys Torte für disch mit) *3*~


seki_is_mine April 30 2008, 20:38:11 UTC
waaii dankee!! ^0^

und ihr habt?? *___* omgott!
..ich hab auch bisschen angst |D;;;

aww~~ dann viel spaß und ich möchte 2 scheiben Torte bitte X333


lefty_215 April 30 2008, 22:21:48 UTC
Wha~ So annoying.. *pat* I hope you get it back.

I know the feeling. I almost lost my purse once with all my money and stuff... So scary.. DX

WHAAA!! Jaw disease?! That sounds really bad... I hope everything works out right. <333 *snug* I have jaw issues too.. DX I pop it a lot and it gets sore.

I really hope the rest of your week is nice after all that. XD;


seki_is_mine April 30 2008, 22:27:26 UTC
yeah..T_T its really so bothersome! Q_Q
I hope someone finds and returns it - since it really seams I lost it at the shopping center ><;

oh~? you have that as well??
lol I kinda have the same disease then you! ^^
but because I have it since ...well..almost 10 years, one of my jaws joint got fractured and..yeah T_T;

but thanks really! ^0^
have a great time as well!! ^.^


psycho_moonlil May 1 2008, 07:07:55 UTC
ewww, klingt scheiße ><'''

aber du, sama, klappt das nun eventuell an einem der WEs? is ja schon nimmer lang hin o_o


seki_is_mine May 1 2008, 13:44:53 UTC
jaa!!! ^.^
ich frag mal auf arbeit ob ich da notdientst hab, aber ich denk mal nich XD

sag dir dann bescheid <33


kumomo May 1 2008, 07:34:48 UTC
wat nen scheiß ey >_>;
Handy, zä ja alles scheiße...
es kann nur bergaf gehen? *flausch*


seki_is_mine May 1 2008, 13:45:28 UTC
ja..ey, an manchen tagen kommt immer alles zusammen ;_;


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