I listened to Beautiful Alone (you know, the WeißKreuz Ending theme) yesterday and I got soo nostalgic T^T..somehow I am reminded on too many things and people when I listen to old WK-songs like this..*siigh* +_+..
I wanted to write this entry about 2 weeks ago, but I never got time since we really where SO..SOOOO! busy with
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Comments 16
ou rooms look the same ... xDDD
ppl sitting around..fabric lying aroun and of course much much fakefur...for my berserker got berserk xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
yes indeed tomorrow...dont remind me...still sooooo much to doo and ill jsut die xDD
and same here X_x
I dont know how were supposed to finish everything until tomorrow morning @_@|||
but I cant wait to c u!! <3 *happy*
grüß die anderen von mir, jaa?
und wünsch euch viel spaß ^_^
schade dass wir uns nich sehen T--T
ich hoff nur das wetter wird nich so doof >.<;; lol
und mir is auch grad eingefallen, dass ich ja mal gucken wollte, wie viel mich eine fahrt zu dir kostet... XD
und vielleicht bin ich auch mal auf der mmc, vorrausgesetzt ich ziehe nicht in die entgegengesetzte richtung ^^; (wenn ich denn dann umziehen muss *nich will*)
wai~ das wär so toll~ keke!
und jaa~ inform dich mal bei der evil bahn XD~
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Wah! I'm so jealous you get to cosplay H.O.T! How cool ^o^ All your stuff looks amazing, I wanna see what it looks like all put together. I hope you get recognized a lot at your con kekeke.
Have fun this weekend!
Tehre are so many songs who remind me of events or things that happend..so everytime I listen to them,I get this special feeling ^^°
and GOSH! X_X Im so deaaad tired, I think I never was SO tired before, after and during a convention! T-T;
but it was soo much fun, I wish you could have been here!! T^T
..and wow, there indeed where indeed people who knew H.O.T! O.O
sadly korean music is not known in germany..so we where really happy that some people recognized us
keke..most ppl where thinking we where cosplaying an anime (because of the colourful costumes XD;;)
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I'm glad you had a good time and I hope you can get some rest now ^^
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