I have finally, finally managed to beat the hardest difficulty level on Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories.
I really appreciate how hard it is, because the previous games in the series, including the original Chain of Memories, were too easy
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Comments 14
Persephone: You have to stop playing Re:CoM now.
Me: What? Why?
Persephone: You have been screaming at the top of your lungs nonstop for almost five minutes.
Me: *genuinely surprised* Really?
Persephone: Really.
Me: What was I saying?
Persephone: *not answering* Why don't you give me the controller and let me fight this guy for a while?
Which fight was this?
I made it through okay until I got to the last fight between Riku and "Ansem." Then I had to look at a gameplay video to get an idea of how to beat him - and just barely did it then.
I really do like the difficulty, though - it's the first of the KH games I've played and really felt accomplished for being able to finish.
This was the final fight with Vexen (I actually edited this out of the conversation initially because I wasn't sure if you were trying to avoid mentioning names etc.).
KH2 Final Mix actually had some hard portions, too, but I felt the overabundance of sidequests had a way of distracting one and making the entire difficulty issue harder to pin down. Though as we've discussed before, the fight with the Heartless in the gorge was WAY too easy.
Maybe we'll actually play the upcoming games at roughly the same time for once. I have resigned myself to the need to at least make an attempt at portable gameplay for them. I actually just purchased a DS because it was tax deductible in order to start familiarizing myself with the platform far in advance of the actual DS game's release. (The PSP should be easier to adjust to, I think, and I understand there is some way of causing the actual video to occur on a TV screen when playing with PSPs.)
I recommend the Phoenix Wright games, and the game Hotel Dusk, as awesome story-based games. I've also heard great things about The World Ends With You, which I haven't played (though I'm actually about to start it).
I am, however, masochistic enough to try and complete the card collection. (How is it that the unique enemy cards are easier to obtain than the non-unique ones?)
I don't suppose there is a secret ending for this one?
Now I'm all ready for the upcoming two portable games.
Now I'm all ready for the upcoming two portable games.
I know what you mean. House or no house, I'm getting a PSP.
Any idea how much longer we'll have to wait?
Fortunately, I already have both a DS and a PSP, so I won't have to buy new systems.
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