Title: The Phoenix in Green
Author: Seiberwing
Fandom: Batman (1960s TV Show)
Characters: Riddler, Bookworm, Louis the Lilac, assorted Special Guest Villains
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: Any fandom, being queer and having a mental illness. It's not cause and effect, it's effect and effect.
Warnings: References to mental illness.
Summary: A new villain in
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Comments 9
Am flora but not fauna, am foliage but not a tree. What am I?
“Good evening, Riddler.”
Am bush.
...one day I will learn to always put my drink safely out of arm's reach before starting any fic you write, and not pick it up during no matter what the provocation. TODAY WAS NOT THAT DAY. *dying*
Ouch? Poor Riddler? Elaborate on that, that's not a response I'd expected and it greatly intrigues me.
...what other reaction were you possibly expecting? He's stuck arguing with someone who seemed like he was actually going to be worth his time and might have been a fun friend, but instead has turned out to have a brain made of pigeonholes and is saying all the offensive, judgemental, ignorant things he could possibly say. Seriously, it's like Bookworm is working off some kind of "how to put foot in mouth" checklist, and I feel absolutely horrible for Riddler having to listen to all that, even if he does react magnificently. *hugs him*
I mean, boy's an idiot. Not debating that. But it's not entirely his own fault.
I was rather expecting Matches Malone to turn out to be Batgirl in disguise ...
It was.
I do love how you've constructed their minds here, their ways of thinking :)
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