[fic] Loki Found the Whole Thing Hilarious 1/3

Sep 14, 2011 11:27

SOOooooo I may or may not have written a Thor fic for the norsekink Community. Rofl. And I wanted to clean it up and idk. I'm actually getting into writing again, so I figured posting it on my journal wouldn't be so bad. :D

NO PORN sadly But it is slashy. Slash from me? Gasp.

You guys are gonna get it in fewer chapters than norsekink did because now it's done and I can break it up better. lol. XD

Title: Loki Found the Whole Thing Hilarious
Chapter: 1/3
Rating: PG-13ish
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
Word Count: 2332


It was funny, Loki thought as he teleported into the chaos, that after all these years and all of the battles, he was still protecting Thor from his own heroic stupidity. Just as he had when they were inexperienced children on reckless adventures.

He'd spent the better part of the last several years trying to distance himself from Thor. With battles and threats; destruction and hurtful words. Yet, here he was, racing towards his brother, resigning himself to the fact that he had been unable to make himself believe the lies he told about not caring for his brother, about hating his brother. Even a Liesmith it seemed could not completely fool himself.

It was funny, Loki thought as he turned, that in the end, he would do this for Thor.

Personally, he thought that the looks on the faces of the rest of the Avengers--He didn't look at Thor--were priceless as he slid between the one he once called 'brother' and the bolt of magic. Thor was protecting a helpless bystander who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Thor was a god, and really, what could hurt him that drastically? He was all but invincible. But Loki knew. Loki knew this could hurt a god, hurt Thor. Thor didn't know, of course and that was exactly why he was going to get himself killed, and for a mortal no less.

It was funny, Loki thought as he focused on the attack, that he still cared this much.

It was a horrible power and Loki still didn’t know how the Enchantress and Doom had managed to cook the whole thing up. He’d been avoiding Doom ever since he found out the man was trying to make clones of him, so he didn’t even know when or how they teamed up to do this. It probably involved several hundred or thousand mortal lives, ancient forbidden texts, Doom’s mortal science and many other things that most would find unpleasant. Loki would have been intrigued if they hadn’t been daring to use it on Thor. His brother. His brother.

It was funny, Loki thought as the shield he erected almost instantly began to crack against the spell, that he even bothered trying to deflect it when it was what it was.

He must have still harbored some small glimmer of hope for this turning out all right. For both he and Thor to come out of this miraculously. Perhaps go back to Asgard and spar and laugh and for things to go back to the way they once were, before he found out he was a monster. For the rift between them to be mended, subconsciously wanting all of his attempts to sever their bond to fail. He told himself it was just survival instinct. Which clearly, he had none of, since he was doing this in the first place.

It was funny, Loki thought as the shield shattered and the blow hit home, that he could have sworn he heard Thor shout “Brother!”.

That was unlikely because Thor had stopped calling him that eight months ago when Loki had actually come very close to killing all of Thor’s mortal friends.

He would have laughed, for truly the whole situation was hilarious, had it not been for the blood coming to his lips, the burning as the spear of magic dissipated into the nothingness it had come from, or the fact that he was toppling forward as his legs gave way beneath him.

Everything slowed down and the sound around him dropped, as if he had just plunged into a body of water. Everything was muted, muffled, but somehow the visual aspect of everything around him became clearer. Suddenly, the world seemed much more saturated, and Loki had never been more aware of his surroundings.

The Avengers were rushing Doom, the Enchantress, and whichever assorted other villains they had brought along. Loki hadn’t found it in himself to care then and he definitely couldn’t find it in him now. Thor was behind him, yelling, it might have been words, but Thor was Thor and so it could have just as easily been an enraged howl of fury. Leave it to Thor to be angry that his fake brother, his greatest enemy that had betrayed him time and time again, had been fatally wounded. Granted, Loki thought as he slowly pitched toward the concrete beneath him, Thor only operated in three modes: stupidly happy, confused/drunk (which were one and the same), and enraged. Maybe he’d smash Doom’s head in with Mjolnir. Loki thought that sounded like a good plan. Clones were a violation of personal privacy on so many levels.

Thor wasn’t one for doing what Loki thought he should do of course, and as such, Loki was only half surprised that he didn’t hit the ground and ended up caught in Thor’s arms instead. His vision swam and swapped places with his hearing, which came back somehow as Thor cradled his head and pressed a large, shaking hand to Loki’s bleeding chest. “Brother...” the God of Thunder breathed, and Loki was mildly surprised by the waver in his voice.

Mild surprise took an awful lot of energy to keep up, however, and Loki let his head drop against Thor’s chest. It was surprisingly comfortable. “You’re such a.. reckless fool...” the Trickster God murmured. His own voice sounded wet to his ears and rightfully so it seemed, for when he coughed, red splattered across Thor’s armor. If it hadn’t been his own blood, Loki might have thought it was kind of sexy. Actually, Loki thought it was still pretty sexy. Blood loss, he decided, was either making him delirious or uncharacteristically honest.

“Loki--why--” Thor sounded desperate, at a loss for words and Loki could only chuckle breathlessly.

“I guess I couldn’t lie to myself, after all... And the biggest lie is my biggest truth...” Loki said softly, closing his eyes.

Thor bit back a growl and held him a bit tighter, resisting the urge to shake him. “For Odin’s sake--Loki--no riddles!” he demanded and Loki just smiled, with blood on his lips, and Thor felt something inside of himself breaking. “Why?!”

Loki didn’t register the question for a moment, content where he was. He couldn’t decide if it was tragic or fitting that he felt the safest, the most calm, he’d ever been, laying in Thor’s arms, his life flowing freely out of him. Thor did shake him that time, just a little, but enough to catch Loki’s attention and he vaguely remembered the words spoken to him. His brow furrowed slightly and he opened his green eyes, just a bit. “Because... even though it was just one big lie... You’re still my...” He trailed off. It was the blood loss again. Making him so damn honest. Of course, there was no point in stopping now. Thor wasn’t that slow. “My...Stupid brother.”

“Loki--” Thor began, but Loki didn’t hear the rest of what he was saying. His eyelids were fluttering and his body felt heavy.

“Forgive me... Thor...” he murmured, and Loki wasn’t sure exactly what he was apologizing for. Then, Thor was shouting at him, as per usual, but he couldn’t hear it anymore. He couldn’t fight the heaviness anymore. He couldn’t do anything anymore. At least Thor was all right.

Loki smiled a bit. It was nice... that his brother still cared. That was enough.

That was enough.


Tony Stark never regarded himself as the most observant Avenger. The most intelligent, dashingly handsome, crazy genius Avenger? Yes. Most observant? Not so much. However, he was the only one who seemed to have stopped in his tracks as the sky suddenly grew very, very dark.

It wasn't a split second later that he heard Thor's yell. An ordinary person would have assumed it was a thunderclap mixed with the howl of wind. Tony knew better.

He turned to look and saw Thor kneeling on the ground. The Thunder God was holding his estranged brother in his arms and Loki wasn't... moving. More noticeably, he wasn't talking. To Tony, that sent off more warning bells than the former observation. The wind picked up and lightning flashed across the sky, dark clouds swirling into existence.

"Thor..!" Steve shouted with growing concern as he noticed the escalating situation, glancing up at the sky above them.

Tony shook his head, backing away at a jog, the face of his helmet sliding back into place. "Let's get these people out of here!!" he shouted and took off towards what was left of the crowd that hadn't already run away. The other Avengers followed suit, disengaging from their enemies.

The villains, for their parts, were trying to get away as fast as they could. It was too late, though, because Thor had gently lay Loki down and now he was standing. With Mjolnir in his hand.
There was another great crack of thunder and a bright flash of lightning lit up Thor's anguished face, which promised more than just simple pain.

Mjolnir flew in a great swooping attack which felled the peons closest to him and Thor followed with a lunge. His great hammer returned to his hand and he unleashed all the fury and mourning rage of Asgard.

It started to rain.


While the rest of the Avengers took the poor citizens of the city to the closest hurricane/tornado/angry-Norse-God shelter, Iron Man and Captain America stayed behind to make sure that Thor didn't do something stupid. And by stupid, Tony meant stupider than usual. Which was saying something.

Steve covered his face with his shield against the wind and rain, the latter of which was falling so hard and fast with the wind that it was blowing sideways and felt like hundreds of tiny needles shooting through the air. "We have to stop him before he destroys the city!!" Steve shouted over the impending hurricane.

Tony shook his head. "Do YOU want to tell him to stop?!" he shouted back. "Because I am NOT feeling suicidal today!!"

Steve groaned and looked back out at the chaos and stared as Thor blasted back a good couple dozen villainous lackies. Those men were now either brain damaged or dead. "...You know!! If he could do this at any time, how come we don't see it?!"

"...Well..!!" Tony began, watching as bodies flew like rag dolls. "He IS a god!! We're just lucky he and Loki never went at it at full power! I don't think the planet could have handled it!!"

As Steve watched Thor channel lightning into a terrific sweeping blast, the howl of the wind his voice, filled with rage, he nodded his agreement. "You're probably right!!"

Thor was spinning Mjolnir now, impossibly fast, and he was kicking up a sideways tornado in the process. Tony wondered if they were even far enough away to not get caught up in it, because this was getting ridiculous.

Through the wind and the rain, the sensors in Tony's visor picked up on movement. His first thought was the dread that it was some civilian they had missed. Instead, it was Loki, still laying where Thor had left him. The wind had picked up the Trickster’s fallen helm and it had flown up into the sky, disappearing somewhere into the vortex of black clouds still swirling dangerously.

Tony groaned. "Dammit."

Steve all but jumped when Iron Man started making his way closer to the fray. "What are you doing?!" he shouted, incredulous.

Tony turned back to face him. "If anything happens to him--!" he shouted, gesturing in Loki's direction. "Thor will flip his shit even more!!" And he ran, using his boosters to keep himself from getting caught in the wind and to keep himself from being smashed in the face by flying debris, mail boxes, and cars.

Steve stared incredulously after him. "But he's--!!"

"I know!!" Tony yelled back.

Even Tony would admit to himself that he had done some really stupid things in the past. Running into what was practically a monsoon that had been created by a god, all to save the body of said god’s brother, was probably going to go up towards the top of his list.

Lightning struck less than two feet away from him, leaving a smoking crater in the pavement and Tony decided that no. It was definitely going to go to the top of his list.


Thor's blue eyes were sharp and enraged. Actually, rage was an understatement. Every cell in his body was screaming for blood, for revenge. In the distance, Thor saw Doom's get-away helicopter fighting the storm he had created. The God of Thunder raised Mjolnir high and a bolt of lightning struck down the craft's blades which kept it aloft. The aircraft dropped like a rock and Thor started making his way over to where it had landed. He was going to make Doom and the Enchantress pay. And he was going to do it very, very slowly.


Thor paused mid step. "THOR!!!" he finally heard over the sound of his anger and he turned his head sharply. It was then that he saw his comrades by Loki. For one irrational second, he felt anger well up at the sight and his grip on Mjolnir tightened. A moment later, however, it relaxed as gratitude washed over him because it was obvious they were trying to keep his brother from being picked up into the storm. Then, Thor kicked himself for not thinking about that sooner.

Tony had his face plate retracted and he was screaming something at him, hands cupped around his mouth to try and make the sound go farther. "--ive!!" Thor's brow furrowed as he strained his ears.

Then, he heard it.


~~~End Chapter One~~~

Chapter Two

loki, thor, pairing: thor/loki, fic, steve rogers, captain america, tony stark, iron man

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