Title : Let There be the Light
Author :
seetwopm Rating : PG - 13
Genre: Drama, romance, angst
Pairing : Minho/Key
Word Count : 2214 words
Summary : In which Minho was blind and Key was the only light he could see in the dark.
A/N : My last entry before my exam begins. Enjoy reading guys :)
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Comments 19
anyway ur icon is so cute <3
otl. Dx.
ill get back to this tonight, but rn, GOOD LUCK ON YOUR TEST (if they're still going on). HWAITING.
It's not Minho's fault that he was pissy.
He did lose his sight, which would be hard for him, especially since he can't see if Key cheats behind his back. :))
But I'm glad that the diva is faithful! (For once) And that he stayed with Minho in the end.
(Pff, we all know that he can't leave him).
my minkey.. sita.. wae?!!!
and thank you for the comment <3
AGAIN! T.T asdsd aw~ is really beautiful~
good luck in your exam (?) xD
and ofc for the comment as well ^^
aku nyemangatin dan doainnya di sini aja deh, jauh2 dari replay keyminho atau SAHINI dulu ya =))
ini perjuangan lhooo (???)
jangan lupa kerjasama ama temen2 d kelas ya (nasihat macam apa ini? =)))
semoga sita bisa ngelakuin yg terbaik deh *hugs*
Alhamdulillah ujiannya udah selese, semoga hasilnya bagus deh :))
Makasih banget ya kak buat semangat n doanya ^^ <33
Akhirnya bisa agak santai, yah walo masih ada SNMPTN sih
omg its soo beautiful <3
it means a lot to me, glad you like it ^^
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