Ten Green Bottles
Rating: G, Gen
Characters: Dean, Sammy, John, Bobby
Word Count: 3,398
Disclaimer: The characters are sadly not mine. I’m just sticking pins into Winchester dolls for the purposes of general angst. Sorry about the holes!
A/N: Door 10 in my
SPN Advent CalendarThis one’s for
mysticmhorag. Happy birthday (and thanks for the explosive lyrics.)
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Comments 31
Glad you liked it. I loved the idea of the times the boys got to be boys and run wild. Winchesters would naturally run wilder and further than anyone else.
"The only thing Dean refused to sing was ABBA. Even Dean had limits." I'll deal with you later, lass - ah, but you paid proper respect to the man in black, so,,,, I might let you off the hook - just this once.
Next time you pop in for a cuppa, love, I'l teach you the dirty version of 'kookaburra sits in the old gum tree'. Now that's something Dean definitely would've sung as a kid.
From the middle of the old feather bed - thanks ever so much darlin'. What a shit hot birthday present!
Love, light & peace,
Mhorag xxx
BTW you can teach me all the dirty lyrics your heart desires - right after I do that secret c.c.f. story, okay?
Darlin' that Bobby Singer still hasn't fixed that shed - it's just blended in with all the other beat up stuff in that wasteland pile of junk o' his.
Oh, and the only reason young Winchester didn't get his arse kicked for blowin' up the shed was that Bobby was watchin' 'em doin' it, and was laughin' so hard he thought those two rascals might catch him spyin' on 'em.
And some of us are old enough to remember the damage caused to mail boxes by one young Robert Singer and a handful of fireworks.
I so wish they had these kind of moments
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