Wow-ser Whoa!

Apr 21, 2024 17:09

I've been intending to post for the last week . . . or two. Somehow, that time has disappeared. Apologies. I hope everyone has enjoyed the 25th Anniversary Celebration. I haven't been here from the beginning, and I know I haven't been around much at all lately. I will--in acknowledgement of the 25th Anniversary--triple my efforts to write, share, ( Read more... )

reaching out, improving, taking action

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Comments 19

frank April 21 2024, 22:25:40 UTC
Hurray, LiveJournal is 25!

Let's celebrate the anniversary together! Learn more about the number 25 in the '25 facts about 25' project. Tell about yourself and your blog in the #LJ25 hashmob. Prizes and awesome achievements await you!

Thanks for staying with us!❤️


seekerval April 22 2024, 10:15:43 UTC

Thanks for being here and being patient with an occasional writer. I am grateful for LJ and the good folks to be found here.


frank April 22 2024, 10:20:43 UTC

We're also grateful you keep reading and writing. Our authors are the reason we exist ;)


thespian15 April 22 2024, 00:40:35 UTC
Welcome to LJ.

YAY for reconnecting with old friends. :)

And then you can come work on my yard. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hugs, Jon


seekerval April 22 2024, 10:11:26 UTC

"MY YARD"!?! What is a "my yard", Jon? Also . . . what is "work on"? These are not words that make any sense to me. Could you please translate to some language that I can understand? Like, maybe . . . Val-English . . .

Big Hugs to you too, Jon! Take good care of yourself, my friend.


thespian15 April 23 2024, 05:03:41 UTC
I keep trying to ignore anything that involves the W word. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


seekerval April 23 2024, 11:43:30 UTC

I, too, try to ignore the BIG W. I think that's why my life seems to be inundated with piles of STUFF. Piles of paper, piles of leaves, piles of sweet dogs hoping for walkies, piles of bills to pay, piles of clothes that need laundering &/or hanging up/putting away, and so on and so forth. sigh (No, I haven't noticed the sighs piling up. They are more understanding and take care of putting themselves away. That's right . . . my sighs are responsible for themselves. So there!)

Have a better day, my friend. I'm taking more attention of just spending a few minutes in the sunshine, when I possibly can. Take care of yourself, Jon! Hugs and more Hugs to you!


dreamshark April 23 2024, 17:53:50 UTC

Re "connecting with old friends," don't forget the first Minnstf Picnic of the season - this Saturday at Crosby Farms Park!


seekerval April 24 2024, 10:33:02 UTC

Greetings, dear Dreamshark! I definitely intend to see you (and others) at the Picnic this weekend. But I do appreciate the reminder, as well. Am also trying to resurrect poor Bubbles the Tommie bike that has been stabled at the back of my Very Full old garage. Take care, and I'll be seeing you soon.


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