Halloween Brought WINTER! Eeeek!!!

Oct 31, 2023 17:13

During the Halloween Eve Night, we received what I'm guessing is over an inch of Snow and lots of MPH Winds. The early morning is DARK, COLD, and WINDY ( Read more... )

halloween, weather woes

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Comments 15

thespian15 November 1 2023, 02:02:35 UTC
What a lousy start to the day. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have ended up with a whooping 16 trick or treaters.
And I have to say, it's more then I was expecting this year with the weather.

Okay, it's 9 pm, time to turn the front light off. :)
Hugs, Jon


seekerval November 1 2023, 10:24:58 UTC

My candy-collectors were also sparse with a final estimated count of about a dozen plus a couple/few. The last bunch of about 6 who arrived at near 9pm had about an even split on kids and adults. The adults were all tall men well costumed and made-up--the Devil and the Clown particularly so. And after they faded away into the dark of the night, I shut down the Jack-O's and Ghost, closed the front gate and porch door, turned off the porch light, and put the leftover candy in an inconvenient place.

Other than the men in that last bunch, the Visitors all had little comments and seemed tickled to be out and about so late on a school night. Even the Moms were smiling and and (naturally) happy to also select a candy bar for themselves. I do try to always offer candy to the adult guards who go to so much for their youngsters' Halloween joy.

So . . . I hope everyone enjoyed the Halloween Holiday and will go into the depths of Autumn and Winter filled with Good Attitudes and simple Happiness.


thespian15 November 1 2023, 10:58:56 UTC
I had 16.
Which was actually more then I expected with the weather the way the day started. :)
My last group was 4 teenagers who really didn't have costumes. lol...
One little kid came to the door and asked, How many can we have, and then I handed him one full sized candy bar.
I do hope that was enough. :p


seekerval November 1 2023, 11:07:48 UTC

One full size is pretty generous, and I think the Parent will point that out, if the youngster seems unimpressed. 🤪 I just promptly said, "Take one or two and Happy Halloween". My last one (the adult clown) just reached in with hand wide open and grabbed a bunch of them. Since I planned to close after he left and I still had plenty leftover (which will NOT help my weight loss program), I just let him take 'em. I'm trying to come up with a fun, genius way to give away the rest of the treats.

Sigh.....I'm not feeling too "genius" of late.


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puddleshark November 1 2023, 14:43:16 UTC
Snow! At Halloween! That's... um, seasonal? Good job you had that broomstick handy.

I forgot to buy any treats this year, so had to hide in the back of the house all evening with the lights off.


seekerval November 1 2023, 22:05:12 UTC

Oops! Forgetting the Halloween Candy is a sticky situation. Probably very wise to hide in the darkened back of the house. And I have quite a bit left over, which is not good for me. I'm thinking about who/where to drop off the leftovers. Better take the action, before I eat all the best bits and gain back too much of what I've lost....

Actually, notable snow on Halloween isn't common, but it does happen now and then. In fact, back in 1991 we had the Legendary Halloween Blizzard when we received a Big Time "Trick" from Mother Nature as she and Winter sneaked in a dump of 8.2 inches of snow!

This year's Halloween snow pile was only 2 and 1/2 inches, which fell mostly during the night before Halloween itself. And which is mostly gone now.


mrdreamjeans November 1 2023, 19:53:17 UTC

I went out for Thai food with friends. It was so cold, but it was a fun dinner.


seekerval November 1 2023, 22:08:34 UTC

That does sound like a fun way to spend a snowy evening! For that matter, it's probably a nice evening on just about ANY evening. I haven't been cruising LJ enough lately and am sadly behind on reading and commenting. I will try to make some opportunities to address the situation.


mrdreamjeans November 14 2023, 01:40:16 UTC

Much love!


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